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    1. Neuroscience

    Jointly looking to the past and the future in visual working memory

    Baiwei Liu, Zampeta-Sofia Alexopoulou, Freek van Ede
    When memorising dynamic visual objects, the brain codes for both the past and the anticipated future object location and co-activates both codes when selecting memories for guiding behaviour.
    1. Cell Biology

    Mecp2 fine-tunes quiescence exit by targeting nuclear receptors

    Jun Yang, Shitian Zou ... Xiaochun Bai
    Mecp2 expression is cell cycle-dependent and negatively regulates quiescence exit.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Overcoming the nutritional immunity by engineering iron-scavenging bacteria for cancer therapy

    Sin-Wei Huang, See-Khai Lim ... Kurt Yun Mou
    Bacterial therapy can be impeded by nutrition deprivation in the tumor microenvironment, and enhancing bacteria resistance to iron sequestration enhances its antitumoral activity for therapeutic purposes.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Allosteric coupling asymmetry mediates paradoxical activation of BRAF by type II inhibitors

    Damien M Rasmussen, Manny M Semonis ... Nicholas M Levinson
    A comprehensive allosteric model describes how inhibitors can activate rather than inhibit a target kinase by selectively driving formation of kinase dimers with one inhibited and one activated subunit.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Phantasus, a web-application for visual and interactive gene expression analysis

    Maksim Kleverov, Daria Zenkova ... Alexey A Sergushichev
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    CLOCK evolved in cnidaria to synchronize internal rhythms with diel environmental cues

    Raphael Aguillon, Mieka Rinsky ... Oren Levy
    Disruption of the Clock gene in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis revealed its essential role in circadian rhythm maintenance and uncovered a compensatory light-response pathway, advancing our comprehension of circadian regulation in non-bilaterian animals.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neuron-specific RNA-sequencing reveals different responses in peripheral neurons after nerve injury

    Sara Bolívar, Elisenda Sanz ... Esther Udina
    In reporter mice, subtypes of peripheral neurons show different regenerative capabilities after nerve injury and activate common pathways but also specific ones, indicating a different intrinsic growth response among them.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Unraveling the link between neuropathy target esterase NTE/SWS, lysosomal storage diseases, inflammation, abnormal fatty acid metabolism, and leaky brain barrier

    Mariana I Tsap, Andriy S Yatsenko ... Halyna R Shcherbata
    Drosophila model reveals that NTE/SWS-associated neurodegeneration is a lysosomal storage disorder accompanied by a leaky brain permeability barrier, abnormal fatty acid metabolism, and inflammation.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis PhoP integrates stress response to intracellular survival by regulating cAMP level

    Hina Khan, Partha Paul ... Dibyendu Sarkar
    In a stress-specific manner, Mycobacterium tuberculosis PhoP regulates Rv0805 phosphodiesterase expression to control cAMP level and contributes to intracellular survival of the bacilli.
    1. Neuroscience

    Inferring control objectives in a virtual balancing task in humans and monkeys

    Mohsen Sadeghi, Reza Sharif Razavian ... Dagmar Sternad
    A virtual balancing task with parallel experiments on human and non-human primates revealed a spectrum of behaviors (classified by a computational model into position, velocity, or mixed control strategy) that can serve as basis for analyzing neural population dynamics.