Research Articles

Research Articles published by eLife are full-length studies that present important breakthroughs across the life sciences and biomedicine. There is no maximum length and no limits on the number of display items.

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    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    The rapidly evolving X-linked MIR-506 family fine-tunes spermatogenesis to enhance sperm competition

    Zhuqing Wang, Yue Wang ... Wei Yan
    The rapidly evolving X-linked MIR-506 family miRNAs function to enhance sperm competitiveness and male reproductive fitness in mice.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    MEMO1 binds iron and modulates iron homeostasis in cancer cells

    Natalia Dolgova, Eva-Maria E Uhlemann ... Oleg Y Dmitriev
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    X-ray structure and enzymatic study of a bacterial NADPH oxidase highlight the activation mechanism of eukaryotic NOX

    Isabelle Petit-Hartlein, Annelise Vermot ... Franck Fieschi
    Detailed molecular characterization of a constitutively active bacterial NADPH oxidase (NOX) provides clues to the activation mechanism required to trigger electron transfer and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in tightly regulated eukaryotic NOX.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Transposable elements regulate thymus development and function

    Jean-David Larouche, Céline M Laumont ... Claude Perreault
    Multiomic analyses provide new insights into the involvement of transposable elements in T-cell development in the thymus and central tolerance induction.
    1. Neuroscience

    Species -shared and -unique gyral peaks on human and macaque brains

    Songyao Zhang, Tuo Zhang ... Tianming Liu
    Having compared cross-species cortical folding patterns between humans and macaques, it is shown that 'Gyral Peaks' can stably exist across different species.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Inhibition of the serine protease HtrA1 by SerpinE2 suggests an extracellular proteolytic pathway in the control of neural crest migration

    Edgar M Pera, Josefine Nilsson-De Moura ... Ivana Milas
    An extracellular proteolytic pathway involving the serine protease HtrA1, its inhibitor SerpinE2, and the transmembrane proteoglycan Syndecan-4 control collective migration of neural crest cells in the developing embryo.
    1. Neuroscience

    Lesions in a songbird vocal circuit increase variability in song syntax

    Avani Koparkar, Timothy L Warren ... Lena Veit
    A forebrain nucleus contributes specifically to the variability of syllable sequencing in songs of Bengalese finches, a songbird with complex syntactic song structure.
    1. Neuroscience

    Plastic vasomotion entrainment

    Daichi Sasaki, Ken Imai ... Ko Matsui
    Entrainment of global synchronization of vasomotion induced by repeated presentation of oscillating visual stimuli may facilitate efficient energy delivery to meet the demand for coordinated neuronal activity and circuit reorganization.