Randy chats with Bad Pharma's Ben Goldacre.

Since the Nobel Prize ceremony in December, eLife Editor-in-Chief Randy Schekman has put some of the most important issues in scientific research under the spotlight, including research assessment and the pressure to publish. It’s high time that things began to change.

Another individual who’s been pressing for change and openness in science is Ben Goldacre, campaigner and best-selling author of Bad Pharma and Bad Science.

This Friday, Randy and Ben will speak together for the first time about key issues relevant to the future of science. They’re hosting a live Twitter chat Friday at 5pm GMT (12pm Eastern). You can join in. If you don’t already, follow eLife on Twitter now, and meet us there on Friday. Watch for #benandrandy.

An acclaimed science writer, academic, and physician, Ben Goldacre focuses on the implementation and misuse of science by journalists, politicians, drug companies, and others. In their chat, he and Randy will discuss scientific research practices, exploring how changes in access, incentives, and rewards can make the system more effective for practitioners and the public.

We invite you to be part of the conversation. Follow eLife on Twitter now and join the discussion on Friday: http://www.twitter.com/elife