1,009 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Disparate substrates for head gaze following and face perception in the monkey superior temporal sulcus

    Karolina Marciniak, Artin Atabaki ... Peter Thier
    A distinct cortical region serves head gaze following, and is needed to establish joint attention with others and to ultimately develop a theory of others' mind.
    1. Neuroscience

    Functionally defined white matter of the macaque monkey brain reveals a dorso-ventral attention network

    Ilaria Sani, Brent C McPherson ... Winrich A Freiwald
    Primate attention is not limited to a dorsal fronto-parietal network, but includes a ventral temporal node and its dorso-ventral interactions with other attentional areas.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Experimental evidence that uniformly white sclera enhances the visibility of eye-gaze direction in humans and chimpanzees

    Fumihiro Kano, Yuri Kawaguchi, Yeow Hanling
    Experiments showed that uniformly white sclera, one distinguishing feature of human eyes, facilitates gaze perception across species, suggesting that this eye feature evolved for conspecific communication in humans.
    1. Neuroscience

    Anosognosia for hemiplegia as a tripartite disconnection syndrome

    Valentina Pacella, Chris Foulon ... Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
    High-level disorders, such as motor awareness, are not localised in the brain but emerge from the interaction between brain circuits.
    1. Neuroscience

    Integrated externally and internally generated task predictions jointly guide cognitive control in prefrontal cortex

    Jiefeng Jiang, Anthony D Wagner, Tobias Egner
    The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex integrates concurrent externally and internally generated predictions of task demand to guide information processing, while the medial prefrontal cortex corrects its prediction error based on actual task demand.
    1. Neuroscience

    Interplay between external inputs and recurrent dynamics during movement preparation and execution in a network model of motor cortex

    Ludovica Bachschmid-Romano, Nicholas G Hatsopoulos, Nicolas Brunel
    A recurrent neural network model with parameters constrained by data explains mechanisms for how tuning properties of motor cortical neurons change during movement preparation and execution in a monkey performing a reaching task, and accurately reproduces neural dynamics from recordings.
    1. Neuroscience

    How biological attention mechanisms improve task performance in a large-scale visual system model

    Grace W Lindsay, Kenneth D Miller
    Implementing neural changes associated with attention in a deep neural network causes performance changes that mimic those observed in humans and macaques.
    1. Neuroscience

    Audiovisual task switching rapidly modulates sound encoding in mouse auditory cortex

    Ryan J Morrill, James Bigelow ... Andrea R Hasenstaub
    The brain processes the same multisensory stimulus differently when the way it sounds, as opposed to the way it looks, is useful for making a decision.
    1. Neuroscience

    Catecholaminergic neuromodulation and selective attention jointly shape perceptual decision-making

    Stijn A Nuiten, Jan Willem de Gee ... Simon van Gaal
    Pharmacologically elevated catecholamine levels and spatial attention jointly shape perceptual decision-making, revealed by unique, similar, and interactive effects on behavior, drift diffusion modeling parameters, and electrophysiology.
    1. Neuroscience

    Push-pull competition between bottom-up and top-down auditory attention to natural soundscapes

    Nicholas Huang, Mounya Elhilali
    Everyday soundscapes dynamically engage attention towards target sounds or salient ambient events, with both attentional forms engaging the same fronto-parietal network but in a push-pull competition for limited neural resources.

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