Self-other generalisation shapes social interaction and is disrupted in borderline personality disorder

  1. Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, United Kingdom
  2. School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
  3. Department for Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London, London, United Kingdom
  4. Anna Freud, London, United Kingdom
  5. Department of Neuroscience, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, United States
  6. Centre for Human Neuroscience Research, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, United States
  7. Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany
  8. University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Roshan Cools
    Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Senior Editor
    Michael Frank
    Brown University, Providence, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


The authors use a sophisticated task design and Bayesian computational modeling to test their hypothesis that information generalization (operationalized as a combination of self-insertion and social contagion) in social situations is disrupted in Borderline Personality Disorder. Their main finding relates to the observation that two different models best fit the two tested groups: While the model assuming both self-insertion and social contagion to be present when estimating others' social value preferences fit the control group best, a model assuming neither of these processes provided the best fit to BPD participants.


The strengths of the presented work lie in the sophisticated task design and the thorough investigation of their theory by use of mechanistic computational models to elucidate social decision-making and learning processes in BPD.


The manuscript's primary weakness relates to the number of comparisons conducted and a lack of clarity in how those comparisons relate to the authors' hypotheses. The authors specify a primary prediction about disruption to information generalization in social decision making & learning processes, and it is clear from the text how their 4 main models are supposed to test this hypothesis. With regards to any further analyses however (such as the correlations between multiple clinical scales and eight different model parameters, but also individual parameter comparisons between groups), this is less clear. I recommend the authors clearly link each test to a hypothesis by specifying, for each analysis, what their specific expectations for conducted comparisons are, so a reader can assess whether the results are/aren't in line with predictions. The number of conducted tests relating to a specific hypothesis also determines whether multiple comparison corrections are warranted or not. If comparisons are exploratory in nature, this should be explicitly stated.

Furthermore, the authors present some measures for external validation of the models, including comparison between reaction times and belief shifts, and correlations between model predicted accuracy and behavioural accuracy/total scores. However it would be great to see some more formal external validation of how the model parameters relate to participant behaviour, e.g., the correlation between the number of pro-social choices and ß-values, or the correlation between the change in absolute number of pro-social choices and the change in ß. From comparing the behavioural and computational results it looks like they would correlate highly, but it would be nice to see this formally confirmed.

The statement in the abstract that 'Overall, the findings provide a clear explanation of how self-other generalisation constrains and assists learning, how childhood adversity disrupts this through separation of internalised beliefs' makes an unjustified claim of causality between childhood adversity and separation of self - and other beliefs, although the authors only present correlations. I recommend this should be rephrased to reflect the correlational nature of the results.

Currently, from the discussion the findings seem relevant in explaining certain aberrant social learning and -decision making processes in BPD. However, I would like to see a more thorough discussion about the practical relevance of their findings in light of their observation of comparable prediction accuracy between the two groups.

Relatedly, the authors mention that a primary focus of mentalization based therapy for BPD is 'restoring a stable sense of self' and 'differentiating the self from the other'. These goals are very reminiscent of the findings of the current study that individuals with BPD show lower uncertainty over their own and relative reward preferences, and that they are less susceptible to social contagion. Could the observed group differences therefore be a result of therapy rather than adverse early life experiences?

Regarding partner similarity: It was unclear to me why the authors chose partners that were 50% similar when it would be at least equally interesting to investigate self-insertion and social contagion with those that are more than 50% different to ourselves? Do the authors have any assumptions or even data that shows the results still hold for situations with lower than 50% similarity?

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The paper investigates social-decision making, and how this changes after observing the behaviour of other people, in borderline personality disorder. The paper employs a task including three phases, the first where participants make decision on how to allocate rewards to oneself and to a virtual partner, the second where they observe the same task performed by someone else, and a third phase equivalent to phase one, but with a new partner. Using sophisticated computational modelling to analyse choice data, the study reports that borderline participants (versus controls) are more certain about their preferences in phase one, used more neutral priors and are less flexible during phase two, and are less influenced by partners in phase three.


The topic is interesting and important, and the findings are potentially intriguing. The computational methods employed is clever and sophisticated, at the cutting edge of research in the field.


There are two major weaknesses. First, the paper lacks focus and clarity. The introduction is rather vague and, after reading it, I remained confused about the paper's aims. Rather than relying on specific predictions, the analysis is exploratory. This implies that it is hard to keep track, and to understand the significance, of the many findings that are reported. Second, although the computational approach employed is clever and sophisticated, there is important information missing about model comparison which ultimately makes some of the results hard to assess from the perspective of the reader.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

In this paper, the authors use a three-phase economic game to examine the tendency to engage in prosocial versus competitive exchanges with three anonymous partners. In particular, they consider individual differences in the tendency to infer about others' tendencies based on one's preferences and to update one's preferences based on observations of others' behavior. The study includes a sample of individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and a matched sample of psychiatrically healthy control participants.

On the whole, the experimental design is well-suited to the questions and the computational model analyses are thorough, including modern model-fitting procedures. I particularly appreciated the clear exposition regarding model parameterization and the descriptive Table 2 for qualitative model comparison. My broad question about the experiment (in terms of its clinical and cognitive process relevance): Does the task encourage competition or give participants a reason to take advantage of others? I don't think it does, so it would be useful to clarify the normative account for prosociality in the introduction (e.g., some of Robin Dunbar's work).

The finding that individuals with BPD do not engage in self-other generalization on this task of social intentions is novel and potentially clinically relevant. The authors find that BPD participants' tendency to be prosocial when splitting points with a partner does not transfer into their expectations of how a partner will treat them in a task where they are the passive recipient of points chosen by the partner. In the discussion, the authors reasonably focus on model differences between groups (Bayesian model comparison), yet I thought this finding -- BPD participants not assuming prosocial tendencies in phase 2 while CON participant did -- merited greater attention. Although the BPD group was close to 0 on the \beta prior in Phase 2, their difference from CON is still in the direction of being more mistrustful (or at least not assuming prosociality). This may line up with broader clinical literature on mistrustfulness and attributions of malevolence in the BPD literature (e.g., a 1992 paper by Nigg et al. in Journal of Abnormal Psychology). My broad point is to consider further the Phase 2 findings in terms of the clinical interpretation of the shift in \beta relative to controls.

On the conceptual level, I had two additional concerns. First, the authors note that they have "proposed a theory with testable predictions" (p. 4 but also elsewhere) but they do not state any clear predictions in the introduction, nor do they consider what sort of patterns will be observed in the BPD group in view of extant clinical and computational literature. Rather, the paper seems to be somewhat exploratory, largely looking at group differences (BPD vs. CON) on all of the shared computational parameters and additional indices such as belief updating and reaction times. Given this, I would suggest that the authors make stronger connections between extant research on intention representation in BPD and their framework (model and paradigm). In particular, the authors do not address related findings from Ereira (2020) and Story (2024) finding that in a false belief task that BPD participants *overgeneralize* from self to other. A critical comparison of this work to the present study, including an examination of the two tasks differ in the processes they measure, is important.

In addition, perhaps it is fairer to note more explicitly the exploratory nature of this work. Although the analyses are thorough, many of them are not argued for a priori (e.g., rate of belief updating in Figure 2C) and the reader amasses many individual findings that need to by synthesized.

Second, in the discussion, the authors are too quick to generalize to broad clinical phenomena in BPD that are not directly connected to the task at hand. For example, on p. 22: "Those with a diagnosis of BPD also show reduced permeability in generalising from other to self. While prior research has predominantly focused on how those with BPD use information to form impressions, it has not typically examined whether these impressions affect the self." Here, it's not self-representation per se (typically, identity or one's view of oneself), but instead cooperation and prosocial tendencies in an economic context. It is important to clarify what clinical phenomena may be closely related to the task and which are more distal and perhaps should not be approached here.

On a more technical level, I had two primary concerns. First, although the authors consider alternative models within a hierarchical Bayesian framework, some challenges arise when one analyzes parameter estimates fit separately to two groups, particularly when the best-fitting model is not shared. In particular, although the authors conduct a model confusion analysis, they do not as far I could tell (and apologies if I missed it) demonstrate that the dynamics of one model are nested within the other. Given that M4 has free parameters governing the expectations on the absolute and relative reward preferences in Phase 2, is it necessarily the case that the shared parameters between M1 and M4 can be interpreted on the same scale? Relatedly, group-specific model fitting has virtues when believes there to be two distinct populations, but there is also a risk of overfitting potentially irrelevant sample characteristics when parameters are fit group by group.

To resolve these issues, I saw one straightforward solution (though in modeling, my experience is that what seems straightforward on first glance may not be so upon further investigation). M1 assumes that participants' own preferences (posterior central tendency) in Phase 1 directly transfer to priors in Phase 2, but presumably the degree of transfer could vary somewhat without meriting an entirely new model (i.e., the authors currently place this question in terms of model selection, not within-model parameter variation). I would suggest that the authors consider a model parameterization fit to the full dataset (both groups) that contains free parameters capturing the *deviations* in the priors relative to the preceding phase's posterior. That is, the free parameters $\bar{\alpha}_{par}^m$ and $\bar{\beta}_{par}^m$ govern the central tendency of the Phase 2 prior parameter distributions directly, but could be reparametrized as deviations from Phase 1 $\theta^m_{ppt}$ parameters in an additive form. This allows for a single model to be fit all participants that encompasses the dynamics of interest such that between-group parameter comparisons are not biased by the strong assumptions imposed by M1 (that phase 1 preferences and phase 2 observations directly transfer to priors). In the case of controls, we would expect these deviation parameters to be centred on 0 insofar as the current M1 fit them best, whereas for BPD participants should have significant deviations from earlier-phase posteriors (e.g., the shift in \beta toward prior neutrality in phase 2 compared to one's own prosociality in phase 1). I think it's still valid for the authors to argue for stronger model constraints for Bayesian model comparison, as they do now, but inferences regarding parameter estimates should ideally be based on a model that can encompass the full dynamics of the entire sample, with simpler dynamics (like posterior -> prior transfer) being captured by near-zero parameter estimates.

My second concern pertains to the psychometric individual difference analyses. These were not clearly justified in the introduction, though I agree that they could offer potentially meaningful insight into which scales may be most related to model parameters of interest. So, perhaps these should be earmarked as exploratory and/or more clearly argued for. Crucially, however, these analyses appear to have been conducted on the full sample without considering the group structure. Indeed, many of the scales on which there are sizable group differences are also those that show correlations with psychometric scales. So, in essence, it is unclear whether most of these analyses are simply recapitulating the between-group tests reported earlier in the paper or offer additional insights. I think it's hard to have one's cake and eat it, too, in this regard and would suggest the authors review Preacher et al. 2005, Psychological Methods for additional detail. One solution might be to always include group as a binary covariate in the symptom dimension-parameter analyses, essentially partialing the correlations for group status. I remain skeptical regarding whether there is additional signal in these analyses, but such controls could convince the reader. Nevertheless, without such adjustments, I would caution against any transdiagnostic interpretations such as this one in the Highlights: "Higher reported childhood trauma, paranoia, and poorer trait mentalizing all diminish other-to-self information transfer irrespective of diagnosis." Since many of these analyses relate to scales on which the groups differ, the transdiagnostic relevance remains to be demonstrated.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation