Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorNathan HolmesUNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia
- Senior EditorKate WassumUniversity of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study by Pinho et al. presents a novel behavioral paradigm for investigating higher-order conditioning in mice. The authors developed a task that creates associations between light and tone sensory cues, driving mediated learning. They observed sex differences in task acquisition, with females demonstrating faster-mediated learning compared to males. Using fiber photometry and chemogenetic tools, the study reveals that the dorsal hippocampus (dHPC) plays a central role in encoding mediated learning. These findings are crucial for understanding how environmental cues, which are not directly linked to positive/negative outcomes, contribute to associative learning. Overall, the study is well-designed, with robust results, and the experimental approach aligns with the study's objectives.
(1) The authors develop a robust behavioral paradigm to examine higher-order associative learning in mice.
(2) They discover a sex-specific component influencing mediated learning, with females exhibiting enhanced learning abilities.
(3) Using fiber photometry and chemogenetic techniques, the authors identify the dorsal hippocampus but not the ventral hippocampus, which plays a crucial for encoding mediated learning.
(1) The study would be strengthened by further elaboration on the rationale for investigating specific cell types within the hippocampus.
(2) The analysis of photometry data could be improved by distinguishing between early and late responses, as well as enhancing the overall presentation of the data.
(3) The manuscript would benefit from revisions to improve clarity and readability.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Pinho et al. developed a new auditory-visual sensory preconditioning procedure in mice and examined the contribution of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus to learning in this task. Using photometry they observed activation of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus during sensory preconditioning and conditioning. Finally, the authors combined their sensory preconditioning task with DREADDs to examine the effect of inhibiting specific cell populations (CaMKII and PV) in the DH on the formation and retrieval/expression of mediated learning.
The authors provide one of the first demonstrations of auditory-visual sensory preconditioning in male mice. Research on the neurobiology of sensory preconditioning has primarily used rats as subjects. The development of a robust protocol in mice will be beneficial to the field, allowing researchers to take advantage of the many transgenic mouse lines. Indeed, in this study, the authors take advantage of a PV-Cre mouse line to examine the role of hippocampal PV cells in sensory preconditioning.
(1) The authors report that sensory preconditioning was observed in both male and female mice. However, their data only supports sensory preconditioning in male mice. In female mice, both paired and unpaired presentations of the light and tone in stage 1 led to increased freezing to the tone at test. In this case, fear to the tone could be attributed to factors other than sensory preconditioning, for example, generalization of fear between the auditory and visual stimulus.
(2) In the photometry experiment, the authors report an increase in neural activity in the hippocampus during both phase 1 (sensory preconditioning) and phase 2 (conditioning). In the subsequent experiment, they inhibit neural activity in the DH during phase 1 (sensory preconditioning) and the probe test, but do not include inhibition during phase 2 (conditioning). It was not clear why they didn't carry forward investigating the role of the hippocampus during phase 2 conditioning. Sensory preconditioning could occur due to the integration of the tone and shock during phase two, or retrieval and chaining of the tone-light-shock memories at test. These two possibilities cannot be differentiated based on the data. Given that we do not know at which stage the mediate learning is occurring, it would have been beneficial to additionally include inhibition of the DH during phase 2.
(3) In the final experiment, the authors report that inhibition of the dorsal hippocampus during the sensory preconditioning phase blocked mediated learning. While this may be the case, the failure to observe sensory preconditioning at test appears to be due more to an increase in baseline freezing (during the stimulus off period), rather than a decrease in freezing to the conditioned stimulus. Given the small effect, this study would benefit from an experiment validating that administration of J60 inhibited DH cells. Further, given that the authors did not observe any effect of DREADD inhibition in PV cells, it would also be important to validate successful cellular silencing in this protocol.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
Pinho et al. investigated the role of the dorsal vs ventral hippocampus and the gender differences in mediated learning. While previous studies already established the engagement of the hippocampus in sensory preconditioning, the authors here took advantage of freely-moving fiber photometry recording and chemogenetics to observe and manipulate sub-regions of the hippocampus (dorsal vs. ventral) in a cell-specific manner. The authors first found sex differences in the preconditioning phase of a sensory preconditioning procedure, where males required more preconditioning training than females for mediating learning to manifest, and where females displayed evidence of mediated learning even when neutral stimuli were never presented together within the session.
After validation of a sensory preconditioning procedure in mice using light and tone neutral stimuli and a mild foot shock as the unconditioned stimulus, the authors used fiber photometry to record from all neurons vs. parvalbumin_positive_only neurons in the dorsal hippocampus or ventral hippocampus of male mice during both preconditioning and conditioning phases. They found increased activity of all neurons, as well as PV+_only neurons in both sub-regions of the hippocampus during both preconditioning and conditioning phases. Finally, the authors found that chemogenetic inhibition of CaMKII+ neurons in the dorsal, but not ventral, hippocampus specifically prevented the formation of an association between the two neutral stimuli (i.e., light and tone cues), but not the direct association between the light cue and the mild foot shock. This set of data: (1) validates the mediated learning in mice using a sensory preconditioning protocol, and stresses the importance of taking sex effect into account; (2) validates the recruitment of dorsal and ventral hippocampi during preconditioning and conditioning phases; and (3) further establishes the specific role of CaMKII+ neurons in the dorsal but not ventral hippocampus in the formation of an association between two neutral stimuli, but not between a neutral-stimulus and a mild foot shock.
The authors developed a sensory preconditioning procedure in mice to investigate mediated learning using light and tone cues as neutral stimuli, and a mild foot shock as the unconditioned stimulus. They provide evidence of a sex effect in the formation of light-cue association. The authors took advantage of fiber-photometry and chemogenetics to target sub-regions of the hippocampus, in a cell-specific manner and investigate their role during different phases of a sensory conditioning procedure.
The authors went further than previous studies by investigating the role of sub-regions of the hippocampus in mediated learning, however, there are several weaknesses that should be noted:
(1) This work first validates mediated learning in a sensory preconditioning procedure using light and tone cues as neutral stimuli and a mild foot shock as the unconditioned stimulus, in both males and females. They found interesting sex differences at the behavioral level, but then only focused on male mice when recording and manipulating the hippocampus. The authors do not address sex differences at the neural level.
(2) As expected in fear conditioning, the range of inter-individual differences is quite high. Mice that didn't develop a strong light-->shock association, as evidenced by a lower percentage of freezing during the Probe Test Light phase, should manifest a low percentage of freezing during the Probe Test Tone phase. It would interesting to test for a correlation between the level of freezing during mediated vs test phases.
(3) The use of a synapsin promoter to transfect neurons in a non-specific manner does not bring much information. The authors applied a more specific approach to target PV+ neurons only, and it would have been more informative to keep with this cell-specific approach, for example by looking also at somatostatin+ inter-neurons.
(4) The authors observed event-related Ca2+ transients on hippocampal pan-neurons and PV+ inter-neurons using fiber photometry. They then used chemogenetics to inhibit CaMKII+ hippocampal neurons, which does not logically follow. It does not undermine the main finding of CaMKII+ neurons of the dorsal, but not ventral, hippocampus being involved in the preconditioning, but not conditioning, phase. However, observing CaMKII+ neurons (using fiber photometry) in mice running the same task would be more informative, as it would indicate when these neurons are recruited during different phases of sensory preconditioning. Applying then optogenetics to cancel the observed event-related transients (e.g., during the presentation of light and tone cues, or during the foot shock presentation) would be more appropriate.
(5) Probe tests always start with the "Probe Test Tone", followed by the "Probe Test Light". "Probe Test Tone" consists of an extinction session, which could affect the freezing response during "Probe Test Light" (e.g., Polack et al. ( Preferably, adding a group of mice with a Probe Test Light with no Probe Test Tone could help clarify this potential issue. The authors should at least discuss the possibility that the tone extinction session prior to the "Probe Test Light" could have affected the freezing response to the light cue.
Reviewer #4 (Public review):
Pinho et al use in vivo calcium imaging and chemogenetic approaches to examine the involvement of hippocampal sub-regions across the different stages of a sensory preconditioning task in mice. They find clear evidence for sensory preconditioning in male but not female mice. They also find that, in the male mice, CaMKII-positive neurons in the dorsal hippocampus: (1) encode the audio-visual association that forms in stage 1 of the task, and (2) retrieve/express sensory preconditioned fear to the auditory stimulus at test. These findings are supported by evidence that ranges from incomplete to convincing. They will be valuable to researchers in the field of learning and memory.
Please note that sensory preconditioning doesn't require the stage 1 stimuli to be presented repeatedly or simultaneously.
"Finally, we combined our sensory preconditioning task with chemogenetic approaches to assess the role of these two hippocampal subregions in mediated learning."
This implies some form of inhibition of hippocampal neurons in stage 2 of the protocol, as this is the only stage of the protocol that permits one to make statements about mediated learning. However, it is clear from what follows that the authors interrogate the involvement of hippocampal sub-regions in stages 1 and 3 of the protocol - not stage 2. As such, most statements about mediated learning throughout the paper are potentially misleading (see below for a further elaboration of this point). If the authors persist in using the term mediated learning to describe the response to a sensory preconditioned stimulus, they should clarify what they mean by mediated learning at some point in the introduction. Alternatively, they might consider using a different phrase such as "sensory preconditioned responding".
"Low-salience" is used to describe stimuli such as tone, light, or odour that do not typically elicit responses that are of interest to experimenters. However, a tone, light, or odour can be very salient even though they don't elicit these particular responses. As such, it would be worth redescribing the "low-salience" stimuli in some other terms.
"These higher-order conditioning processes, also known as mediated learning, can be captured in laboratory settings through sensory preconditioning procedures2,6-11."
Higher-order conditioning and mediated learning are not interchangeable terms: e.g., some forms of second-order conditioning are not due to mediated learning. More generally, the use of mediated learning is not necessary for the story that the authors develop in the paper and could be replaced for accuracy and clarity. E.g., "These higher-order conditioning processes can be studied in the laboratory using sensory preconditioning procedures2,6-11."
In reference to Experiment 2, it is stated that: "However, when light and tone were separated on time (Unpaired group), male mice were not able to exhibit mediated learning response (Figure 2B) whereas their response to the light (direct learning) was not affected (Figure 2D). On the other hand, female mice still present a lower but significant mediated learning response (Figure 2C) and normal direct learning (Figure 2E). Finally, in the No-Shock group, both male (Figure 2B and 2D) and female mice (Figure 2C and 2E) did not present either mediated or direct learning, which also confirmed that the exposure to the tone or light during Probe Tests do not elicit any behavioral change by themselves as the presence of the electric footshock is required to obtain a reliable mediated and direct learning responses."
The absence of a difference between the paired and unpaired female mice should not be described as "significant mediated learning" in the latter. It should be taken to indicate that performance in the females is due to generalization between the tone and light. That is, there is no sensory preconditioning in the female mice. The description of performance in the No-shock group really shouldn't be in terms of mediated or direct learning: that is, this group is another control for assessing the presence of sensory preconditioning in the group of interest. As a control, there is no potential for them to exhibit sensory preconditioning, so their performance should not be described in a way that suggests this potential.
Methods - Behavior
I appreciate the reasons for testing the animals in a new context. This does, however, raise other issues that complicate the interpretation of any hippocampal engagement: e.g., exposure to a novel context may engage the hippocampus for exploration/encoding of its features - hence, it is engaged for retrieving/expressing sensory preconditioned fear to the tone. This should be noted somewhere in the paper given that one of its aims is to shed light on the broader functioning of the hippocampus in associative processes.
This general issue - that the conditions of testing were such as to force engagement of the hippocampus - is amplified by two further features of testing with the tone. The first is the presence of background noise in the training context and its absence in the test context. The second is the fact that the tone was presented for 30 s in stage 1 and then continuously for 180s at test. Both changes could have contributed to the engagement of the hippocampus as they introduce the potential for discrimination between the tone that was trained and tested.
Results - Behavior
The suggestion of sex differences based on differences in the parameters needed to generate sensory preconditioning is interesting. Perhaps it could be supported through some set of formal analyses. That is, the data in supplementary materials may well show that the parameters needed to generate sensory preconditioning in males and females are not the same. However, there needs to be some form of statistical comparison to support this point. As part of this comparison, it would be neat if the authors included body weight as a covariate to determine whether any interactions with sex are moderated by body weight.
What is the value of the data shown in Figure 1 given that there are no controls for unpaired presentations of the sound and light? In the absence of these controls, the experiment cannot have shown that "Female and male mice show mediated learning using an auditory-visual sensory preconditioning task" as implied by its title. Minimally, this experiment should be relabelled.
"Altogether, this data confirmed that we successfully set up an LTSPC protocol in mice and that this behavioral paradigm can be used to further study the brain circuits involved in higher-order conditioning."
Please insert the qualifier that LTSPC was successfully established in male mice. There is no evidence of LTSPC in female mice.
Results - Brain
"Notably, the inhibition of CaMKII-positive neurons in the dHPC (i.e. J60 administration in DREADD-Gi mice) during preconditioning (Figure 4B), but not before the Probe Test 1 (Figure 4B), fully blocked mediated, but not direct learning (Figure 4D)."
The right panel of Figure 4B indicates no difference between the controls and Group DPC in the percent change in freezing from OFF to ON periods of the tone. How does this fit with the claim that CaMKII-positive neurons in the dorsal hippocampus regulate associative formation during the session of tone-light exposures in stage 1 of sensory preconditioning?
"When low salience stimuli were presented separated on time or when the electric footshock was absent, mediated and direct learning were abolished in male mice. In female mice, although light and tone were presented separately during the preconditioning phase, mediated learning was reduced but still present, which implies that female mice are still able to associate the two low-salience stimuli."
This doesn't quite follow from the results. The failure of the female unpaired mice to withhold their freezing to the tone should not be taken to indicate the formation of a light-tone association across the very long interval that was interpolated between these stimulus presentations. It could and should be taken to indicate that, in female mice, freezing conditioned to the light simply generalized to the tone (i.e., these mice could not discriminate well between the tone and light).
"Indeed, our data suggests that when hippocampal activity is modulated by the specific manipulation of hippocampal subregions, this brain region is not involved during retrieval."
Does this relate to the results that are shown in the right panel of Figure 4B, where there is no significant difference between the different groups? If so, how does it fit with the results shown in the left panel of this figure, where differences between the groups are observed?
"In line with this, the inhibition of CaMKII-positive neurons from the dorsal hippocampus, which has been shown to project to the restrosplenial cortex56, blocked the formation of mediated learning."
Is this a reference to the findings shown in Figure 4B and, if so, which of the panels exactly? That is, one panel appears to support the claim made here while the other doesn't. In general, what should the reader make of data showing the percent change in freezing from stimulus OFF to stimulus ON periods?