Emergent motifs in SPN and FSI activity around grooming transitions.
A. First principal component from decomposing 10 seconds of SPN activity centered around grooming bout start times (1,632 units, explains 9.3% of variance). B. Activity around grooming start for units that had the largest magnitude weight for the first principal component. Units with weight > 0 are shown above the horizontal black line (336 units) followed by units with weight < 0 (640 units). Units are sorted by their weight for PC1. Each unit’s activity was normalized to the range from zero to one. C. Same as A, but for the second principal component (explains 5.1% of variance). D. Same as B, but for the second principal component (364 units with weight > 0, 292 units with weight < 0). E. Donut plot depicting the number of units with positive and negative weights for the first two principal components. F-J. Same as A-E, but for FSIs aligned to groom start (66 units with PC1 weight > 0, 1 unit with PC1 weight < 0, 2 units with PC2 weight > 0, and 19 units with PC2 weight < 0. PC1 explains 21.2% of variance and PC2 explains 7.1% of the variance). K-O. Same as A-E, but for SPNs aligned to groom end (526 units with PC1 weight > 0, 424 units with PC1 weight < 0, 164 units for PC2 weight > 0, and 518 units with PC2 weight < 0. PC1 explains 12.9% of variance and PC2 explains 5.2% of the variance). P-T. Same as A-E, but for FSIs aligned to groom end (22 units with PC1 weight > 0, 44 units with PC1 weight < 0, 5 units with PC2 weight > 0, and 19 units with PC2 weight < 0. PC1 explains 34.6% of variance and PC2 explains 8.6% of the variance).