CCM simulations for chromosome 13 (Chr13) from the GM12878 cell line:
(a) In the CCM, red (blue) spheres represent active (repressive) loci. The black open circles are the CTCF loop anchor locations. (b) Comparison of the simulated (PL = 1, top half)) and Hi-C contact maps (bottom half). The bar above marks the epigenetic states with red (blue) representing active (repressive) loci. The values of the contact frequencies, converted to a log scale, are shown on the right. (c) Comparison between the Pearson correlation maps consisting of ρij for all loci pairs from simulations (top half) and experimental data (bottom half). The scale for the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) is on the right. (d) Distribution of the PCC, ρij for all (i, j) pairs from simulations and experiment (1 is positive correlation, 0 is no correlation, and -1 corresponds to anti-correlation). The Kullback-Leibler, DKL, value between CCM prediction and experiment is small. (e) First eigenvector values (PC1) from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the correlation matrix for CCM. The compartment A and B are defined by positive (red) and negative (blue) values. (f) Snapshot of the folded Chr13. The color corresponds to genomic distance from one end point, ranging from red to green to blue. (g) Ensemble averaged distance map obtained from simulations. (h) Ward Linkage Matrix (WLM) comparison between simulations and the one computed using Hi-C data. The PCC between the two distance matrices is ∼ 0.83, indicating reasonable agreement between simulations and experiments. (i) Contact map for the 8 Mbp region ((44-52)Mb) with the upper (lower) triangle corresponding to simulations (experiments). (j) On the right is an Illustration of the TADs, identified using the Multi-CD method [72]. The dark-red circles are the positions of the loop anchors detected in the Hi-C experiment, which are formed by two CTCF motifs. A subset of TADs is defined by the CTCF loops, whereas others are not associated with loops. These could arise from segregation between the chromatin states of the neighboring domains in certain experimental studies [26, 73, 74]. The average sizes of the TADs detected using Multi-CD method from Hi-C and simulated contact maps are ∼750kbs and ∼700kbs, respectively. (k) Snapshot of the TAD, marked in (j). (m) Same as (j) except the TADs were calculated for the region ((75-83)Mb) in (l).