A simple analytic model of sequentially activated Gaussians exhibits travelling peaks with a diversity of patterns.
(a) The spatiotemporal potential of two sequentially activated one dimensional spatial Gaussians (centers; x1=-0.5 and x2=0.5; standard deviation σx=1), each with a temporal Gaussian activation profile (peaking at t1=-1 and t2=1; standard deviation σt=1), as in Equation 1. Notice wave-like propagation. (b) Spatial profile of Equation 1 at time (dotted line in (a)) for 3 conditions. Notice that for Δx≤2σx the spatial profile is a concave. (c) The spatial derivative of V(x,t) in (a). Black line marks Gaussian peak dynamics (zero crossing points of the spatial derivate). (d) Peak dynamics for different values of distances between Gaussian centers (Δx). Notice that the average velocity increases with Δx. (e,f) Same as in (a,c) but for a model of a periodically fluctuating Gaussian (Equation 3) (x1=-0.5, x2=0.5, σx=1, f=1, ϕ1=-3π/8, ϕ2=3π/8).(g,h) The peak dynamics (as in d) for the model in (e,f) as a function of the phase difference between Gaussians, Δϕ (g), and f, the frequency of the oscillation (h). f=1 in (g) and ϕ1=-π/4, ϕ2=π/4 in (h). Notice that wave velocity increases with frequency and can changes sign as a function of Δϕ. (i) PDLC values calculated for different Δx and σx. Black line marks the Δx=2σx border. (j) Plane, radial and spiral-like propagation patterns and the resulting phase latency maps (right) for different spatial arrangements of two sequentially activated Gaussians (left).