A. Activation maps in a representative subject (S09). The scale bar denotes percent signal change of BOLD response. From left to right: Chr - Ach (color), 3D - 2D (disparity), color - disparity, T – N (texture). The bottom panels show enlarged activations in the black square. The highlighted region in the bottom panels represents area V2. Color-selective and disparity-selective stripe-shaped activations arranged perpendicular to the V1-V2 border. Red arrowheads denote the location of color-selective (thin) stripes and blue arrowheads denote the location of disparity-selective (thick) stripes. Black arrowheads in the fourth column highlight the texture-selective activations in anterior V2 (corresponding to peripheral visual field). The ROIs for pale stripes were defined as vertices in-between adjacent thin and thick stripes (see methods for details). B. Inter-session correlations for the color- and disparity-selective functional maps in S09. Each blue dot represents one vertex on V2 surface. C. Selectivity indices for color, disparity and naturalistic texture in different types of columns. Error bar indicates 1 SEM across subjects. **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001. n.s.: none significance. Circles represent data from individual participants. D. Texture selectivity at different eccentricities. Error bars represent 1 SEM across participants. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001.