Parameter analyses of the MOS6 model and simulated behaviors for all three strategies. Significance symbol conventions are: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001; n.s.: non-significant. Abbreviations: HC-healthy controls, PAT-patients.
A. The fitted weighting parameters and learning rate of the MOS6 model. The y-axis means averaged preference over different volatile contexts (volatile/stable) and feedback contexts (reward/aversive). w indicates the averaged weighting parameters for each participant group. Error bars denote the standard deviation of the estimated mean across 54 healthy controls and 32 patients, respectively.
B. Simulated hit rates for the three decision strategies. Error bars represent the standard deviation across 200 simulations. The 200 simulations were evenly divided between groups using parameters similar to the healthy control group and the patient group. The groups differed only in their strategy preference (differences in wEU, wMO, wHA) while all other parameters remained constant. For more simulation details, refer to Method: Simulation details.
C. Averaged simulated learning curve for each strategy across 200 simulations, smoothed with a Gaussian kernel (standard deviation of 2 trials).
D. Simulated hit rate differences between volatile and stable for the three decision strategies. Error bars represent the standard deviation across 200 simulations.
E. Simulated learning curves for the healthy controls and patients, each averaged from 100 simulations within the group and smoothed with a Gaussian kernel (standard deviation of 2 trials).