Limb and axial motoneurons are densely innervated by Foxp2-V1s and Renshaw cells.
A, Motor column identification from lower thoracic to upper sacral spinal cord in P20 mice following labeling with ChAT antibodies: PGC = preganglionic cell column; MMC = medial motor column; HMC = hypaxial motor column; LMCd/v = lateral motor column (dorsal/ventral). B, Schematic representation of the rostro-caudal span of each motor column in the spinal segments studied. C, Synapse quantification. Axons of Foxp2 and non-Foxp2 V1 interneurons were respectively labeled with EGFP and tdT in en1Cre::foxp2flpo::R26 RCE:dualGFP/Ai9tdT mice. In en1Cre::R26 Ai9tdT mice we identified V1-Renshaw cell axons using calbindin antibodies. Synaptic locations were labeled with VGAT antibodies and the postsynaptic motoneurons with ChAT antibodies. Synapse densities were analyzed in a ribbon of membrane at mid-cell body level (7 optical planes, 1 μm z-step). C1, Single optical plane of a L4/5 LMCv motoneuron surrounded by genetically labeled Foxp2-V1 and non-Foxp2-V1 axons. Inhibitory synapses on ChAT-IR motoneurons are VGAT+. C2, Single optical image of a L4/5 LMCv ChAT-IR motoneuron receiving synapses from V1 Renshaw cells (genetically labeled V1 axons with calbindin-IR and VGAT). C3-4, Method for estimating synapse densities on motoneuron cell bodies using C2 as example. C3, V1-VGAT (red arrowheads) and V1-CB-VGAT synapses (yellow arrowhead) are marked (VGAT-IR is not shown for clarity), and the cell body contour annotated with regions corresponding to dendrite exits. This process was repeated in 7 consecutive mid-cell body optical planes (cross-sections with well-defined nucleus and nucleolus). C4, A membrane surface slab is reconstructed in 3D (two different rotations shown). The surface area corresponding to dendrite exits is subtracted from the total surface area of the slab to calculate the available surface area on the motoneuron cell body. V1-VGAT synapses (red), V1-CB-VGAT synapses (yellow), and CB-VGAT synapses (green) are marked. A similar process was followed for calculating Foxp2-V1 synapse density. D, Quantification of total V1-VGAT synapse densities on motoneuron cell bodies in different motor columns (n = 21-30 motoneurons per motor column, n = 5 animals with 4-9 motoneurons per animal per motor column). Each data point is one motoneuron color coded by mouse origin. Average synaptic densities ±SD indicated to the right of scatter plots. A nested ANOVA found significant differences among motor column/segments (p < 0.0001) with no inter-animal variability (p = 0.4768). The table summarizes all post-hoc pairwise comparisons for average V1 synaptic densities of each motor column and segment (Bonferroni corrected t-tests) (Statistical details are in Table S2). Colors indicate increased (>1, red) or decreased ratios (<1, blue) of column motoneurons vs row motoneurons. PGC neurons receive significantly fewer V1 synapses than MMC or LMC motoneurons. The LMC (ventral and dorsal) in lower lumbar (L4/L5) had significantly more V1 contacts than MMC motoneurons or L6 dorsal LMC. E, Comparison of synaptic densities from Foxp2-V1 and non-Foxp2-V1 neurons (top) or Renshaw cells (bottom). All motoneurons sampled in 2 to 3 animals for each comparison were pooled together. Densities of V1-VGAT synapses from Foxp2-V1s, non-Foxp2 V1s, or calbindin (CB)+ V1s (Renshaw cells) (n = 6-17 motoneurons sampled per motor column/segments, average = 12.1 ±2.9 SD) were compared using a two-way ANOVA for axon type vs motor column and segment. Foxp2-V1 vs non-Foxp2-V1 synapses: significant differences in density were found for type of synapse (p=0.001), motor column location (p<0.0001), and their interaction (p<0.0001). Significant differences after post-hoc Bonferroni tests are indicated (*p<0.05; ****p<0.0001). In general, synapses from Foxp2-V1 axons have higher density than non-Foxp2-V1 axons on HMC and LMC columns at all spinal segments except for L1/L2 LMC. MMC motoneurons receive similar synaptic densities from both types of V1 axons, except at the sacral level in which non-Foxp2 V1 synapses predominate. PGC neurons receive very low densities of V1 axons and there are no significant differences between either type in any region. Foxp2-V1 vs CB+V1 synapses: significant density differences were found for type of synapse (p<0.0001), motor column location (p<0.0001), and their interaction (p<0.0001). Significant differences between Foxp2-V1 and CB+V1 synapses after post-hoc Bonferroni tests are indicated (*p<0.05; ****p<0.0001). Synapses from Foxp2-V1 axons have higher density than CB+V1 axons in HMC and LMC columns at all spinal segments except for L1/L2 LMC. MMC motoneurons receive similar synaptic densities from both types of V1 axons in upper lumbar regions, but Foxp2-V1 synapse predominate in lower lumbar. In S1 the density of CB+/V1 synapses is significantly higher. The low synaptic densities estimated in PGC neurons for Foxp2-V1s and CB+ V1s are not significantly different. Details of all statistical comparisons are Supplementary tables S3 and S4. F, Comparing the numbers of Foxp2 and CB+ (Renshaw) V1 synapses to the total number of V1 synapses, we estimated their respective percentages. From these estimates we calculated that the remainder belongs to non-Foxp2 and non-CB+ Renshaw cells. The large majority of V1 synapses on the cell bodies of LMC, HMC and MMC motoneurons are either from Renshaw cells or Foxp2-V1s. Asterisks denote significant differences as found in E. G, Summary diagram of major V1 clade connectivity to motoneuron cell bodies. Foxp2-V1s and Renshaw cells form the majority of inhibitory V1 contacts on LMC and HMC motoneurons, with slightly higher density from Foxp2-V1s. The MMC receives roughly equal portions of V1 contacts from Foxp2-V1s and Renshaw cells. V1s provide only sparse inhibition on preganglionic sympathetic neurons and most originate in V1 clades other than Renshaw cells and Foxp2-V1s.