Perception: How larvae feel the world around them

A complete map of the external sense organs shows how fruit fly larvae detect different aspects of their environment.
  1. Jimena Berni  Is a corresponding author
  1. Department of Neuroscience, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, United Kingdom

All animals are exposed to a changing environment. In order to adapt and survive, they need to gather information about their surroundings and choose how best to respond to each condition. For instance, the small larvae of the fruit fly Drosophila melangoster face several decisions as they crawl and dig through the decaying vegetable matter they inhabit: how much heat or fermented alcohol should they tolerate? Which chemical trace should they follow? And should they stay or escape if they sense something (which might be a predator) contact their body?

The larvae perceive the world around them through a complex array of external sense organs that each receive particular environmental cues, such as olfactory, gustatory, temperature or mechanosensory signals (Karkali and Martin-Blanco, 2017; Gomez-Marin et al., 2011; Apostolopoulou et al., 2015; Klein et al., 2015). The sensory organs then relay this information to other cells in the nervous system, which trigger the fly to enact the most appropriate behaviour and physiological response.

Knowing the structure and location of external sense organs can provide new insights into how an animal is able to perceive changes in their environment, including identifying the neural pathways that integrate this sensory information and control how the animal will respond. It also offers fundamental information about which features an animal is interpreting in their surroundings.

In insects, knowing the anatomy of an external sensor is also particularly informative as their bodies are covered by an impermeable and relatively rigid exoskeleton called the cuticle. Most sense organs contain one or more hair-like protrusions, known as sensilla, which have specific characteristics that make them good at detecting certain environmental cues (Chapman, 2013). For instance, the sensilla responsible for mechanosensation are attached to a flexible joint which allows them to perceive the direction and force of a mechanical stimuli. Meanwhile the sensilla for olfaction have many little gaps within the cuticle so that volatile smell molecules can infiltrate and bind to the sensor. Now, in eLife, Andreas Thum and co-workers – including Vincent Richter as first author – report the first complete anatomical description of all the external sense organs of fruit fly larvae (Richter et al., 2024).

The team (who are based at the University of Konstanz, Leipzig University, University of Cambridge, University of Bonn, and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research) imaged the body of the larvae using three-dimensional electron microscopy. From these images, they were able to determine the external structure of each sense organ by evaluating the anatomy of the sensilla, as well as their associated sensory and accessory (support) cells. Three types of sensilla were identified on the thorax and abdomen of the larvae – named hair, papilla and knob – which either sat alone or clustered together into small groups forming the sense organs (Figure 1). Most of these sensilla displayed structural properties commonly found in mechanosensory cells that perceive information related to pressure, vibration and movement (Karkali and Martin-Blanco, 2017).

Anatomy and function of the external sense organs.

Distributed across the surface of fruit fly larvae are numerous external sense organs that detect particular environmental cues. Along the thorax and abdomen are protrusions, known as sensilla, which were grouped into three categories – papilla (pink), hair (purple), and knob (yellow) – based on how well their shape related to a previous classification (Dambly-Chaudière and Ghysen, 1986). The sensilla are either solitary or grouped together into structures called organs (light and dark blue). Most sensilla in the thorax and abdomen are devoted to mechanosensation, with a small proportion involved in chemosensation or an unknown role. The head of the larvae, known as the pseudocephalon (Pce), contains four sense organs which each contain multiple sensilla: the dorsal organ (DO), terminal organ (TO), ventral organ (VO) and labial organ (LO). Each of these organs detects a specific set of environmental cues, such as contact chemosensation, thermosensation, osmosensation, gustation and mechanosensation.

Figure credit: Adapted from Figure 1B in Richter et al., 2024.

The head of the larvae (also known as the pseudocephalon) contained the highest number and most diverse range of sensilla. Most of these resided in sense organs which each had their own distinct characteristics (Figure 1). This included certain structures and cells that are known to be required for detecting particular environmental cues, including chemicals, temperature, taste and smell among others (Rist and Thum, 2017; Couto et al., 2005, Kwon et al., 2007; Klein et al., 2015). For instance, in the sense organs hypothesized to detect changes in temperature, the sensilla typically had two staked neurons, the lower one forming extensive lamellation, similar to the one seen in the dorsal organ.

The findings of Richter et al. provide new insights in to how fruit fly larvae behave in their natural habitat. In the future, this approach could be applied to other ‘maggot’ species living in different environments to compare how their sensory system influences their behaviour. Notably, Richter et al. also found some sense organs contained multiple dendrites that sense different types of external stimuli. This suggests that there could be cross talk between sensory inputs, and genetic tools available in the fruit fly could be employed to explore this possibility.

There is no doubt that the exquisite description of the external sense organs by Richter et al. will accelerate our understanding of how environmental cues are perceived and processed to generate an appropriate response. Furthermore, combining this information with the tools available to label and manipulate the activity of sensory organs, as well as their partner neurons (Winding et al., 2023), offers a unique opportunity to investigate how animals perceive the world around them.


  1. Book
    1. Chapman RF
    The Insects: Structure and Function
    Cambridge University Press.

Article and author information

Author details

  1. Jimena Berni

    Jimena Berni is in the Department of Neuroscience, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom

    For correspondence
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon "This ORCID iD identifies the author of this article:" 0000-0002-5068-1372

Publication history

  1. Version of Record published: March 8, 2024 (version 1)


© 2024, Berni

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.


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  1. Jimena Berni
Perception: How larvae feel the world around them
eLife 13:e96708.
  1. Further reading

Further reading

    1. Neuroscience
    Amirhossein Farzmahdi, Wilbert Zarco ... Tal Golan
    Research Article Updated

    Primates can recognize objects despite 3D geometric variations such as in-depth rotations. The computational mechanisms that give rise to such invariances are yet to be fully understood. A curious case of partial invariance occurs in the macaque face-patch AL and in fully connected layers of deep convolutional networks in which neurons respond similarly to mirror-symmetric views (e.g. left and right profiles). Why does this tuning develop? Here, we propose a simple learning-driven explanation for mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning. We show that mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning for faces emerges in the fully connected layers of convolutional deep neural networks trained on object recognition tasks, even when the training dataset does not include faces. First, using 3D objects rendered from multiple views as test stimuli, we demonstrate that mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning in convolutional neural network models is not unique to faces: it emerges for multiple object categories with bilateral symmetry. Second, we show why this invariance emerges in the models. Learning to discriminate among bilaterally symmetric object categories induces reflection-equivariant intermediate representations. AL-like mirror-symmetric tuning is achieved when such equivariant responses are spatially pooled by downstream units with sufficiently large receptive fields. These results explain how mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning can emerge in neural networks, providing a theory of how they might emerge in the primate brain. Our theory predicts that mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning can emerge as a consequence of exposure to bilaterally symmetric objects beyond the category of faces, and that it can generalize beyond previously experienced object categories.

    1. Neuroscience
    Emma D Spikol, Ji Cheng ... Marnie E Halpern
    Research Article

    The nucleus incertus (NI), a conserved hindbrain structure implicated in the stress response, arousal, and memory, is a major site for production of the neuropeptide relaxin-3. On the basis of goosecoid homeobox 2 (gsc2) expression, we identified a neuronal cluster that lies adjacent to relaxin 3a (rln3a) neurons in the zebrafish analogue of the NI. To delineate the characteristics of the gsc2 and rln3a NI neurons, we used CRISPR/Cas9 targeted integration to drive gene expression specifically in each neuronal group, and found that they differ in their efferent and afferent connectivity, spontaneous activity, and functional properties. gsc2 and rln3a NI neurons have widely divergent projection patterns and innervate distinct subregions of the midbrain interpeduncular nucleus (IPN). Whereas gsc2 neurons are activated more robustly by electric shock, rln3a neurons exhibit spontaneous fluctuations in calcium signaling and regulate locomotor activity. Our findings define heterogeneous neurons in the NI and provide new tools to probe its diverse functions.