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    1. Developmental Biology

    Scaling between cell cycle duration and wing growth is regulated by Fat-Dachsous signaling in Drosophila

    Andrew Liu, Jessica O’Connell ... Richard W. Carthew
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Secreted dengue virus NS1 from infection is predominantly dimeric and in complex with high-density lipoprotein

    Bing Liang Alvin Chew, AN Qi Ngoh ... Dahai Luo
    Molecular architecture of the secreted NS1 dimer from dengue virus infection in complex with a high density lipoprotein particle.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    A chemically induced attenuated strain of Candida albicans generates robust protective immune responses and prevents systemic candidiasis development

    Swagata Bose, Satya Ranjan Sahu ... Narottam Acharya
    A detailed characterizations of EDTA-treated Candida albicans cells both in vitro and pre-clinical models led to discovery of a potential live whole-cell vaccine against fungal infections.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Spotless, a reproducible pipeline for benchmarking cell type deconvolution in spatial transcriptomics

    Chananchida Sang-aram, Robin Browaeys ... Yvan Saeys
    Estimating cell type composition from a gene expression mixture remains a challenging task, as evidenced by how a simple regression model outperforms many state-of-the-art spatial deconvolution methods.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Biobank-wide association scan identifies risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease and endophenotypes

    Donghui Yan, Bowen Hu ... Qiongshi Lu
    BADGERS, as a new powerful method for conducting polygenic score-based biobank-wide association scans, identified 48 significant associations for AD and 41 significant associations for a variety of AD endophenotypes.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Metabolite profiling of human renal cell carcinoma reveals tissue-origin dominance in nutrient availability

    Keene L Abbott, Ahmed Ali ... Matthew G Vander Heiden
    Assessing metabolites in renal cell carcinoma and kidney tissue suggests cancers adapt rather than dictate nutrient availability.