Main text

Joseph JD, Darimont B, Zhou W, Arrazate A, Young A, Ingalla E, Walter K, Blake RA, Nonomiya J, Guan Z, Kategaya L, Govek SP, Lai AG, Kahraman M, Brigham D, Sensintaffar J, Lu N, Shao G, Qian J, Grillot K, Moon M, Prudente R, Bischoff E, Lee K-J, Bonnefous C, Douglas KL, Julien JD, Nagasawa JY, Aparicio A, Kaufman J, Haley B, Giltnane JM, Wertz IE, Lackner MR, Nannini MR, Sampath D, Schwarz L, Manning HC, Tantawy MN, Arteaga CL, Heyman RA, Rix PJ, Friedman L, Smith ND, Metcalfe C, Jeffrey HH. 2016. The selective estrogen receptor downregulator GDC-0810 is efficacious in diverse models of ER+ breast cancer. eLife 5:e15828. doi: 10.7554/eLife.15828.

Published 13, July 2016

Due to an oversight at the time of the manuscripts publication a number of competing interests were omitted which we would like to declare:

Carlos L Arteaga (CLA) was a consultant for Genentech in 2015 and 2016. The consulting activities were not related to the manuscript. CLA is a member of the Komen Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Amy Young, Ellen Ingalla, Jim Nonomiya, Jennifer M Giltnane, Michelle A Nannini, and Deepak Sampath: Employed by Genentech and own shares.

The competing interest for Alfonso Arrazate was incorrectly listed in the original publication as ‘Shareholders of Seragon’ and has now been corrected to ‘Employed by Genentech and own shares.’

The article has been corrected accordingly.

Article and author information

Author details

  1. James D Joseph

  2. Beatrice Darimont

  3. Wei Zhou

  4. Alfonso Arrazate

  5. Amy Young

  6. Ellen Ingalla

  7. Kimberly Walter

  8. Robert A Blake

  9. Jim Nonomiya

  10. Zhengyu Guan

  11. Lorna Kategaya

  12. Steven P Govek

  13. Andiliy G Lai

  14. Mehmet Kahraman

  15. Dan Brigham

  16. John Sensintaffar

  17. Nhin Lu

  18. Gang Shao

  19. Jing Qian

  20. Kate Grillot

  21. Michael Moon

  22. Rene Prudente

  23. Eric Bischoff

  24. Kyoung-Jin Lee

  25. Celine Bonnefous

  26. Karensa L Douglas

  27. Jackaline D Julien

  28. Johnny Y Nagasawa

  29. Anna Aparicio

  30. Josh Kaufman

  31. Benjamin Haley

  32. Jennifer M Giltnane

  33. Ingrid E Wertz

  34. Mark R Lackner

  35. Michelle A Nannini

  36. Deepak Sampath

  37. Luis Schwarz

  38. Henry Charles Manning

  39. Mohammed Noor Tantawy

  40. Carlos L Arteaga

  41. Richard A Heyman

  42. Peter J Rix

  43. Lori Friedman

  44. Nicholas D Smith

  45. Jeffrey H Hager

    For correspondence

Version history

  1. Version of Record published: January 7, 2019 (version 1)


© 2019, Joseph et al.

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.


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  1. James D Joseph
  2. Beatrice Darimont
  3. Wei Zhou
  4. Alfonso Arrazate
  5. Amy Young
  6. Ellen Ingalla
  7. Kimberly Walter
  8. Robert A Blake
  9. Jim Nonomiya
  10. Zhengyu Guan
  11. Lorna Kategaya
  12. Steven P Govek
  13. Andiliy G Lai
  14. Mehmet Kahraman
  15. Dan Brigham
  16. John Sensintaffar
  17. Nhin Lu
  18. Gang Shao
  19. Jing Qian
  20. Kate Grillot
  21. Michael Moon
  22. Rene Prudente
  23. Eric Bischoff
  24. Kyoung-Jin Lee
  25. Celine Bonnefous
  26. Karensa L Douglas
  27. Jackaline D Julien
  28. Johnny Y Nagasawa
  29. Anna Aparicio
  30. Josh Kaufman
  31. Benjamin Haley
  32. Jennifer M Giltnane
  33. Ingrid E Wertz
  34. Mark R Lackner
  35. Michelle A Nannini
  36. Deepak Sampath
  37. Luis Schwarz
  38. Henry Charles Manning
  39. Mohammed Noor Tantawy
  40. Carlos L Arteaga
  41. Richard A Heyman
  42. Peter J Rix
  43. Lori Friedman
  44. Nicholas D Smith
  45. Ciara Metcalfe
  46. Jeffrey H Hager
Correction: The selective estrogen receptor downregulator GDC-0810 is efficacious in diverse models of ER+ breast cancer
eLife 8:e44851.

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