Microbiology and Infectious Disease

Microbiology and Infectious Disease

eLife reviews research covering virology, bacteriology and mycology. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest research.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Impaired fatty acid import or catabolism in macrophages restricts intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    Nelson V Simwela, Eleni Jaecklein ... David G Russell
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Important
    • Convincing
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Chalkophore mediated respiratory oxidase flexibility controls M. tuberculosis virulence

    John A Buglino, Yaprak Ozakman ... Michael S Glickman
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
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    1. Medicine
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Differences in HIV-1 reservoir size, landscape characteristics, and decay dynamics in acute and chronic treated HIV-1 Clade C infection

    Kavidha Reddy, Guinevere Q Lee ... Thumbi Ndung'u
    Extremely early antiretroviral therapy during HIV-1 subtype C infection leads to faster decline in genome-intact viruses, reduced genetic complexity, and immune escape, and may enhance reservoir clearance with additional interventional strategies.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    SATAY-based chemogenomic screening uncovers antifungal resistance mechanisms and key determinants of ATI-2307 and chitosan sensitivity

    Matthew T Karadzas, Agnès H Michel ... Benoît Kornmann
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
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    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Avian-specific Salmonella transition to endemicity is accompanied by localized resistome and mobilome interaction

    Chenghao Jia, Chenghu Huang ... Min Yue
    Reviewed Preprint v3
    • Important
    • Convincing
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The relationship between gut and nasopharyngeal microbiome composition can predict the severity of COVID-19

    Benita Martin-Castaño, Patricia Diez-Echave ... Julio Galvez
    Biomarkers of COVID-19 severity identified in nasopharyngeal and faecal microbiota could improve prognostic accuracy and treatment strategies for severe cases.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Genomic and structural insights into Jyvaskylavirus, the first giant virus isolated from Finland

    Gabriel Magno de Freitas Almeida, Iker Arriaga ... Lotta-Riina Sundberg
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Important
    • Compelling
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    2-oxoglutarate triggers assembly of active dodecameric Methanosarcina mazei glutamine synthetase

    Eva Herdering, Tristan Reif-Trauttmansdorff ... Ruth A Schmitz
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Valuable
    • Solid
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Maintenance of cell wall remodeling and vesicle production are connected in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    Vivian C Salgueiro-Toledo, Jorge Bertol ... Rafael Prados-Rosales
    Genetic, ultrastructural, multi-omics, and biochemical tools reveal VirR as a central scaffold in Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell envelope remodelling, critical for extracellular vesicle production.

Senior editors

  1. Wendy S Garrett
    Wendy S Garrett
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, United States
  2. Diane M Harper
    University of Michigan, United States
  3. Bavesh Kana
    University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  4. See more editors