817 results found
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    MicroRNAs down-regulate homologous recombination in the G1 phase of cycling cells to maintain genomic stability

    Young Eun Choi, Yunfeng Pan ... Dipanjan Chowdhury
    MicroRNAs tightly control the cellular level of homologous recombination (HR) factors in the G1 phase, and failure of this control system results in an ectopic increase in HR proteins in G1 cells leading to impaired DNA repair.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Cyclin D activates the Rb tumor suppressor by mono-phosphorylation

    Anil M Narasimha, Manuel Kaulich ... Steven F Dowdy
    The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor regulates cell cycle progression when it's in 14 mono-phosphorylated isoforms.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Aurkb/PP1-mediated resetting of Oct4 during the cell cycle determines the identity of embryonic stem cells

    Jihoon Shin, Tae Wan Kim ... Hong-Duk Youn
    The regulation of the core transcription factor Oct4 by the Aurkb-PP1 axis links the cell cycle to pluripotency programs in embryonic stem cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Time-resolved single-cell sequencing identifies multiple waves of mRNA decay during the mitosis-to-G1 phase transition

    Lenno Krenning, Stijn Sonneveld, Marvin E Tanenbaum
    mRNA decay contributes to reshape the transcriptome as a parent cell divides into daughter cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    The RIF1-long splice variant promotes G1 phase 53BP1 nuclear bodies to protect against replication stress

    Lotte P Watts, Toyoaki Natsume ... Anne D Donaldson
    The RIF1-long and short splice variants show distinct ability to protect cells from replication stress by promoting 53BP1 nuclear bodies, representing the first described functional difference between the two variants.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Rapid DNA replication origin licensing protects stem cell pluripotency

    Jacob Peter Matson, Raluca Dumitru ... Jeanette Gowen Cook
    The unique cell cycle variations of pluripotent stem cells ensures that the first step in DNA replication is particularly fast and this rapid rate, in turn, restrains early differentiation.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Loss of p53 suppresses replication-stress-induced DNA breakage in G1/S checkpoint deficient cells

    Bente Benedict, Tanja van Harn ... Hein te Riele
    During tumorigenesis loss of p53 not only abrogates cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, but also suppresses the induction of replication-stress-induced DNA double-stranded breaks.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Scc2 counteracts a Wapl-independent mechanism that releases cohesin from chromosomes during G1

    Madhusudhan Srinivasan, Naomi J Petela ... Kim A Nasmyth
    In G1 cells, Scc2 loads and maintains cohesin on chromosomes by counteracting a Wapl-independent releasing activity, which is neutralized in S phase by CDK1.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Dynamic NF-κB and E2F interactions control the priority and timing of inflammatory signalling and cell proliferation

    John M Ankers, Raheela Awais ... Michael RH White
    Cell imaging and mathematical modelling show reciprocal cross-regulation between inflammatory signalling and cell cycle timing, which is mediated through functional interactions between NF-B and E2F proteins.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Cell cycle constraints on capsulation and bacteriophage susceptibility

    Silvia Ardissone, Coralie Fumeaux ... Patrick H Viollier
    A multi-layered and conserved cell cycle mechanism prevents capsulation, long known as a bacterial virulence determinant, in G1-phase and concurrently licenses bacteriophage-mediated genetic exchange prior to entry into S-phase.

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