77 results found
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Regulation of immune receptor kinase plasma membrane nanoscale organization by a plant peptide hormone and its receptors

    Julien Gronnier, Christina M Franck ... Cyril Zipfel
    The perception of endogenous RALF signaling peptides modulates the plasma membrane nanoscale organization of receptor kinases to regulate plant immune signaling.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    B cell activation involves nanoscale receptor reorganizations and inside-out signaling by Syk

    Kathrin Kläsener, Palash C Maity ... Michael Reth
    Studying the earliest events in B cell activation reveals that the B cell antigen receptor is opened and activated via the phosphorylation and binding by the spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk).
    1. Cell Biology

    Actin-regulated Siglec-1 nanoclustering influences HIV-1 capture and virus-containing compartment formation in dendritic cells

    Enric Gutiérrez-Martínez, Susana Benet Garrabé ... Maria F Garcia-Parajo
    Advanced imaging methods reveal that Siglec-1 spatial distribution on mature dendritic cells is regulated by components of the actin polymerization machinery impacting on its engagement to HIV-particles and virus sequestration toward virus-containing compartments.
    1. Neuroscience

    Pre-post synaptic alignment through neuroligin-1 tunes synaptic transmission efficiency

    Kalina T Haas, Benjamin Compans ... Eric Hosy
    Neuroligin 1 is a critical adhesion molecule which organizes AMPA receptor nanodomains in close vicinity to pre-synaptic release sites, and whose genetic or chemical disruption severely impairs synaptic transmission properties.
    1. Neuroscience

    Ca2+ channel and active zone protein abundance intersects with input-specific synapse organization to shape functional synaptic diversity

    Audrey T Medeiros, Scott J Gratz ... Kate M O'Connor-Giles
    In vivo analysis of endogenously tagged Ca2+ channel subunits reveals unexpected differences in subunit composition and synapse-specific relationships between channel abundance and synaptic strength.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Frontotemporal dementia mutant Tau promotes aberrant Fyn nanoclustering in hippocampal dendritic spines

    Pranesh Padmanabhan, Ramón Martínez-Mármol ... Frédéric A Meunier
    Super-resolution imaging reveals that the microtubule-associated protein Tau regulates the Fyn kinase organisation in dendrites, and that the frontotemporal dementia mutant Tau promotes aberrant Fyn clustering, potentially leading to synaptic dysfunction.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Integrin α5β1 nano-presentation regulates collective keratinocyte migration independent of substrate rigidity

    Jacopo Di Russo, Jennifer L Young ... Joachim P Spatz
    The use of nanopatterned hydrogels and specific integrin α5β1 peptidomimetic revealed that keratinocytes require an optimum inter-ligand spacing to best propagate intercellular forces and efficiently coordinate cell sheet migration.
    1. Neuroscience

    Identification of a stereotypic molecular arrangement of endogenous glycine receptors at spinal cord synapses

    Stephanie A Maynard, Philippe Rostaing ... Christian G Specht
    Quantitative super-resolution correlative light and electron microscopy reveals a constant glycine receptor density at native spinal cord synapses that is maintained in the oscillator mouse model of human hyperekplexia.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Tight nanoscale clustering of Fcγ receptors using DNA origami promotes phagocytosis

    Nadja Kern, Rui Dong ... Meghan A Morrissey
    Manipulating nanoscale spacing of Fcγ receptors using DNA origami demonstrates that ligand clustering regulates receptor phosphorylation and phagocytosis.
    1. Neuroscience

    Environmental enrichment enhances patterning and remodeling of synaptic nanoarchitecture as revealed by STED nanoscopy

    Waja Wegner, Heinz Steffens ... Katrin I Willig
    Two-color time-lapse superresolution imaging of the synaptic nanoorganization in vivo uncovers highly dynamic spine heads and PSD95 assemblies that are less variable in size but more dynamic in their PSD95 nanoorganization after environmental enrichment.

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