82 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Cyclin D activates the Rb tumor suppressor by mono-phosphorylation

    Anil M Narasimha, Manuel Kaulich ... Steven F Dowdy
    The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor regulates cell cycle progression when it's in 14 mono-phosphorylated isoforms.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    The human ARF tumor suppressor senses blastema activity and suppresses epimorphic tissue regeneration

    Robert G Hesse, Gayle K Kouklis ... Jason H Pomerantz
    Evolution of tumor suppressor genes can involve a trade-off because the acquisition of certain anti-cancer characteristics diminishes the ability to regenerate damaged tissue.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Cyclin F drives proliferation through SCF-dependent degradation of the retinoblastoma-like tumor suppressor p130/RBL2

    Taylor P Enrico, Wayne Stallaert ... Michael J Emanuele
    The SCF-family of ubiquitin ligases regulates the key cancer proliferation node by controlling the degradation of RB-like tumor suppressor RBL2/p130.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Cancer Biology

    Transglutaminase 2 contributes to a TP53-induced autophagy program to prevent oncogenic transformation

    Shi Yun Yeo, Yoko Itahana ... Koji Itahana
    Loss-of-function screening identified transglutaminase 2 (TGM2) as a putative tumor suppressor in the TP53 pathway and revealed that TGM2-mediated autophagy and CDKN1A-mediated cell cycle arrest are two critical barriers that prevent oncogenic transformation.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Use of signals of positive and negative selection to distinguish cancer genes and passenger genes

    László Bányai, Maria Trexler ... László Patthy
    In contrast with earlier conclusions, negative selection has a major role in cancer evolution.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Evidence for virus-mediated oncogenesis in bladder cancers arising in solid organ transplant recipients

    Gabriel J Starrett, Kelly Yu ... Eric A Engels
    Nearly half of bladder cancers of solid organ transplant recipients harbor papillomaviruses or polyomaviruses, with many tumors showing evidence of clonal viral integration and viral oncogene effects on tumor gene expression patterns.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Loss of p53 suppresses replication-stress-induced DNA breakage in G1/S checkpoint deficient cells

    Bente Benedict, Tanja van Harn ... Hein te Riele
    During tumorigenesis loss of p53 not only abrogates cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, but also suppresses the induction of replication-stress-induced DNA double-stranded breaks.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase mediates chromatin rewiring and lineage transformation in lung cancer

    Yusuke Inoue, Ana Nikolic ... William W Lockwood
    Lineage transformation in lung cancer is dictated by ERK activity and requires permissive chromatin alterations in the context of targeted therapy resistance.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Three-dimensional growth of breast cancer cells potentiates the anti-tumor effects of unacylated ghrelin and AZP-531

    CheukMan C Au, John B Furness ... Kristy A Brown
    3D culture of breast cancer in biologically relevant ECM potentiates the growth-inhibitory effects of unacylated ghrelin and AZP-531, and clinical response may be predictable based on a MAPK gene signature.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Coordinated control of senescence by lncRNA and a novel T-box3 co-repressor complex

    Pavan Kumar P, Uchenna Emechebe ... Anne M Moon
    A novel master regulatory mechanism of cell proliferation and senscence employs the lncRNA UCA1 and a CAPERα/TBX3 corepressor.

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