Three Biomedical Funders to Launch Open Access Journal

From Science.

Three heavyweight, nongovernmental funders of science announced today that they are launching a free online biology journal aimed at publishing the very best papers within a few weeks of submission. But few confirmed details are available about the journal, which doesn't yet have a name, editor, publisher, or business model.

Two biomedical research charities, the Wellcome Trust in the United Kingdom and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in the United States, have joined together with the Max Planck Society in Germany to launch the journal. At a briefing today in London, Wellcome Trust Director Mark Walport explained that after holding a workshop with scientists last year, the organizations decided there was "a niche" for a new kind of journal. It will "attract the absolute top tier of scientific publications" and will be "not just for the community of people that we fund, it is for scientists at large," he said.