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Partnering with eLife | The Biodiversity Conference 2021

We are pleased to announce our partnership with a conference dedicated to discussing advances in biodiversity conservation in Western Australia and around the globe.
Artist: Philippa Nikulinsky

eLife is a proud partner of The Biodiversity Conference: Resilient Landscapes, September 15-17 in Perth, Western Australia.

From Indigenous knowledge to artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Resilient Landscapes conference spans the breadth of biodiversity and conservation science and technology. Science and technology are transforming society and expanding the frontier of possibility, with biodiversity conservation at the forefront of emerging innovative solutions and technologies.

Join scientific experts, community leaders, and policy makers to discuss research and innovation in the struggle to significantly improve conservation efforts around the globe and shift the direction of the biodiversity agenda and its outcomes.

Western Australia has a globally unique biodiversity, with the State’s geographical expanse, climatic diversity, areas of relative wilderness, regions with extremely nutrient-impoverished soils, and the stability over geological time, and the millennia of human habitation. At the conference attendees can listen and discuss the planetary boundaries in the microcosm of Western Australia and find solutions.



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