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eLife Webinar: Promoting Open Science in and from the Global South

Members of eLife’s Global South Committee for Open Science will be joined by three guest panellists to share experiences, challenges and opportunities around promoting Open Science in and from the Global South. Register now for this free event.

While the push towards Open Science is an international endeavour, challenges for its adoption vary depending on geographic location. Researchers from the Global South often face particular barriers to the implementation of open practices, including limitations in infrastructure and resources, language barriers, insufficient training and lack of institutional support or incentives. This can lead to a disenfranchising and exclusionary experience, even when unintended.

Join us on Wednesday, June 19, from 2pm to 3.30pm BST for our free event, "Promoting Open Science in and from the Global South". We will introduce the members of eLife's Global South Committee for Open Science, who will discuss the challenges faced in this region and share their collective vision for enhancing Open Science infrastructure and promotion.

Additionally, interact with our guest panellists Emmanuel Boakye, Hu Chuan-Peng and Jesica Formoso, as they share their first-hand experiences and insights around promoting Open Science practices in different regions of the Global South.

This session aims to foster understanding and collaboration among all participants, and we welcome your questions during the dedicated Q&A segment.



Mercury Shitindo, Chair of eLife’s Global South Committee for Open Science.


Emmanuel Boakye: A dedicated Open Science advocate in Africa, Boakye has collaborated with the Association of African Universities (AAU) and the Center for Open Science (COS). As a 2022 eLife Community Ambassador and leader of the African Reproducibility Network, he works to bridge gaps in Open Science advocacy and adoption.

Hu Chuan-Peng: A faculty member at the School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, China, Chuang-Peng’s research interests lie in cognitive modelling, self-cognition and meta-science. Chuan-Peng initiated the Chinese Open Science Network (COSN) and leads projects to create practical Open Science and reproducibility guides for researchers in developing countries.

Jesica Formoso: Formoso is a Cognitive Psychologist from the University of Buenos Aires and a tenured Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) in Argentina. Since 2022, Jesica has been a dedicated member of MetaDocencia, currently serving as the Impact Measurement Coordinator and Instructor. She also co-leads the R-Ladies Buenos Aires chapter, and participates in The Carpentries, where she contributes as a trainer and an instructor.

eLife’s Global South Committee for Open Science guides eLife in promoting inclusive, equitable and diverse scientific communications by supporting researchers in the Global South and amplifying their work on a global scale. Read about the Committee's collective vision.