In our latest monthly media coverage roundup, we highlight the top mentions that eLife papers generated in March. You can view the coverage, along with the related research articles, below:
Sicard et al.’s Short Report, ‘A multicellular way of life for a multipartite virus’, was covered in:
- The Atlantic – A New Discovery Upends What We Know About Viruses
- The Scientist – Some Viruses May Infect by Inserting Different Portions of Genetic Material
- ScienceAlert – Incredible Virus Discovery Just Changed Our Understanding of How They Can Spread
You can read an eLife press release about this study here.
Voss et al.’s Short Report, ‘Reprogramming the antigen specificity of B cells using genome-editing technologies’, was mentioned in:
- La Vanguardia (Spain) – Scientists generate cells that produce antibodies to neutralize HIV (translated)
Wong et al.’s Research Article, ‘The impact of measles immunization campaigns in India using a nationally representative sample of 27,000 child deaths’, was highlighted in:
- Nature – Thousands of measles deaths averted by Indian vaccination campaign
- Outlook India – India's measles vaccine campaigns helped save thousands of children: Study
You can read an eLife press release about this work here.
Nandy et al.’s Short Report, ‘Optogenetically induced low-frequency correlations impair perception’, was featured in:
- ZME Science – Paying attention shuts down ‘brain noise’ that isn’t related to what we’re looking for
Valosková, Biebl et al.’s Research Article, ‘A conserved major facilitator superfamily member orchestrates a subset of O-glycosylation to aid macrophage tissue invasion’, was picked up in:
- Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News – Cancer Metastasis Linked to Newly Discovered Gene
The Research Advance by Iwasaki et al., ‘Non-canonical RNA-directed DNA methylation participates in maternal and environmental control of seed dormancy’, was covered in:
- United Press International – Seeds share memories with their offspring
- 24 heures (Switzerland) – Seeds preserve the memory of plants (translated)
Tubiana et al.’s Tools and Resources article, ‘Learning protein constitutive motifs from sequence data’, was mentioned in:
- Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News – Machine Learning Toolbox Reads and Analyzes Protein Sequences
You can read an eLife press release about this work here.
And the Research Communication articles by Sohail et al., ‘Polygenic adaptation on height is overestimated due to uncorrected stratification in genome-wide association studies’, and Berg et al., ‘Reduced signal for polygenic adaptation of height in UK Biobank’, were featured in:
- Der Standard (Austria) – Can DNA explain why Dutch people are the tallest in Europe? (Translated)
Media contacts
Emily Packer
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours in science. We publish important research in all areas of the life and biomedical sciences, which is selected and evaluated by working scientists and made freely available online without delay. eLife also invests in innovation through open-source tool development to accelerate research communication and discovery. Our work is guided by the communities we serve. eLife is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society, the Wellcome Trust and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Learn more at