This programme of free, online events, which takes place on the last Wednesday of every month, resumes this year with discussions on the push for mobility, advice for new faculty, and communicating your research to wider audiences – helping all early-stage investigators to make the most of their research career.
The community behind eLife – including the research funders that support the journal, our editors, and our Early-Career Advisory Group – are keenly aware of the pressures faced by junior investigators. We want eLife to be a place where the most responsible behaviours in science are encouraged and recognised, such as: sharing data, tools, and resources; reporting objectively and comprehensively; cooperating and collaborating; providing constructive feedback and encouragement; and helping careers to thrive. #ECRWednesday is a showcase for success stories and experiences related to career-building and responsible research behaviours within and in support of the early-career community.
The eLife #ECRWednesday programme kicks off in 2017 with the following webinars:
Achieving independence: The push for mobility
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
11:00am in New York | 4:00pm in London
Early-career researchers are often advised to move institution, city, or country as they move up the career ladder, to gain a greater breadth of experience. The push to be mobile presents issues and opportunities for postdocs looking to build their research CV, and there is no good model for how to manage this part of research life. Join us to hear about a variety of paths our speakers have taken along the way to independence, as well as resources that may help to guide your decisions and transitions. Independence is not the end of the journey.
This event is hosted in partnership with EU-LIFE, an alliance of top research centres in life sciences to support and strengthen European research excellence and be a voice for research in European policy.
Achieving independence: Advice for new faculty
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
11:00am in New York | 4:00pm in London
March’s #ECRWednesday webinar will tackle issues related to moving from postdoc to group leader and offer practical advice. What are all the demands on your time? What should you prioritise? How can you juggle grants, people, and research? What training should you get as a postdoc to prepare? What advice would our speakers offer for someone about to make the move or in their first months or years? Join us for help weighing up your priorities and making a specific plan.
Communicating your research: Engaging with wider audiences
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
11:00am in New York | 4:00pm in London
“Science isn’t finished until it’s communicated.”
-- Professor Sir Mark Walport, Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK government (2013)
Communication is part of a scientist’s everyday life. Early-career researchers looking to advance need to communicate clearly with people in different roles, including journal editors, hiring committees, policy makers and the wider public.
In the #ECRWednesday webinar for April, scientists and science communication professionals will share their experiences of communicating with different audiences. Join us to hear tips on how you can develop your skills to share your own research more widely in clear and engaging ways.
All webinars offer a Q&A session with the panellists and continued discussion on Twitter hosted by @eLife_careers and accessible at #ECRWednesday.
The #ECRWednesday webinar programme complements our wide range of initiatives to support early-career researchers. Find out more at
Browse and register for upcoming webinars at
Is there something you’d like to discuss? Your suggestions are very welcome, to