Do you think journals publishing could do a better job? Have you got a view on how your work should be shared, used, and how your field should – or shouldn’t – be moving forward with open science? Still at an early stage in your career?
You could help shape the future as a member of eLife’s Early-Career Advisory Group (ECAG).
A talented group of grad students, med students, post-docs, and junior PIs from around the world, the eLife ECAG represents the needs and aspirations of researchers at early stages in their careers as they help drive eLife’s work to catalyse broad reform in journals publishing and research communication.
The founding members of the ECAG have helped inspire and bring to life a number of valuable initiatives for the early-career community – including our regular #ECRWednesday webinar series, travel grants, early-career reviewer pool, and more.
As they move forward in their careers, the valuable service of some of our ECAG members is coming to an end and we’d like to invite more early-career researchers to make their voices heard.
If you’re passionate about improving the quality of the early-career experience – especially in life sciences, biomedicine, and related fields – and have energy and creativity to share, please join us. Or, if you know someone who fits the bill, you can nominate them (with their permission!).
Nominations to the eLife ECAG, for five new members to join for two-year terms starting August 1, 2017, are now invited. Details on eligibility, responsibilities, and invitations are available.
The deadline for nominations is 23:59 (UK time), June 18, 2017.