2017 travel grants for early-career researchers: Now open for applications

eLife increases support for early-career researchers in the new edition of its travel grants programme.

After a successful pilot programme in 2016, eLife is extending the funding for the scheme that rolls out this year. We continue to invite applications from early-stage researchers on eLife papers for funding towards presenting their work at a meeting of their choice.

In 2016, the programme supported 10 early-career researchers, who attended scientific meetings to present and discuss their work with leading scientists in their fields. We received very positive feedback, as the majority of grantees achieved their goals for promoting their research and setting up new collaborations at the meetings they attended with eLife’s support.

Parthiv Haldipur, a neuroscientist from the Seattle Children's Research Institute, attended the 21st Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience last May. As a result of networking at the conference, Parthiv established two new collaborations with researchers at the University College London.

Heather Garvin, evolutionary biologist from the Mercyhurst University, who was involved in the study ofHomo nalediand attended the American Association of Physical Anthropology’s 85th Annual Meeting, said:

“Given that the details of my research have not yet been published, just as I was hoping, I received comments that will help me to strengthen the research before publication. There are a couple of possible collaborations I am exploring following my meeting interactions too, and overall attending the meeting helped me get my name and research out there to the physical anthropology community.”

Adam Kucharski, epidemiologist from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who attended the International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria with the support of the program, reported:

“There were several questions about how our analysis could be extended to other settings, and in follow-up correspondence researchers have also asked about how the methodology might be applied to their questions and data sets.”

We encourage postdoctoral and independent scientists with up to five years of active research experience, and who have authored or co-authored a research paper published (or accepted for publication) at eLife, to apply online with our simple application form. Please review the updated terms and conditions before applying.

Applicants who have had an abstract of high scientific merit already accepted for presentation at their chosen meeting will be treated with priority.

We especially welcome applications from researchers requiring international travel to their meeting of choice.

The table below lists all the deadlines for eLife’s early-career travel grants in 2017. We also list the dates when we plan to announce the results of each round.

Subject group Deadline 1 Announcing results Deadline 2 Announcing results Deadline 3 Announcing results
A) Biochemistry/Biophysics and Structural Biology/Computational and Systems Biology April 3 April June 5 June September 4 September
B) Epidemiology and Global Health/ Human Biology and Medicine April 3 April June 5 June September 4 September
C) Cell Biology/Developmental Biology and Stem Cells April 3 April June 5 June September 4 September
D) Immunology / Microbiology and infectious disease May 1 May July 3 July October 2 October
E) Cancer Biology/ Genes and Chromosomes May 1 May July 3 July October 2 October
F) Genomics and Evolutionary Biology/Ecology/Plant Biology May 1 May July 3 July October 2 October
G) Neuroscience May 1 May September 4 September

At each round of funding in each of the seven broad disciplines listed in the table, we offer one travel grant of up to $1,000. There will be up to 20 available grants through the course of the year.

Please note that applications received after any of the deadlines will be considered with the next available round in the same discipline, but not after the final deadline has passed.