eLife Selects HighWire Platform for New Open Access Journal (Information Today)

eLife, the new funder-researcher collaboration in science communication, has selected HighWire Press as the platform for its new open access journal for life and biomedical science. First announced in summer 2011, eLife is a researcher-led initiative for the best in science and science communication. Backed by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society, and the Wellcome Trust, the initiative’s first aim is to launch an open access journal for outstanding advances in life science and biomedicine, which is also a platform for experimentation and showcasing innovation in research communication.

eLife will take full advantage of HighWire's Open Platform, its strategic consulting services, and community networking opportunities. The powerful technology behind the platform offers eLife the flexibility to use open-source tools such as Drupal to develop the front-end display—to create widgets, mobile versions, interactive commentary, semantic enrichment, and more. Read on.