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  1. Meeting report: Visions and versions and the future of peer review
    This transparent process might begin with the early disclosure of a first version of an article - the “preprint”, although a better term might be “version 1”

    We'd be interested in our readers' opinions on standardising preprints' inclusion in a paper's version history as "Version 0" to both distinguish it from any following peer reviewed versions in an immediately recognisable fashion as well as to indicate its immediate availability.

    eLife Product Team

  2. Redesigning an online scientific journal from the article up II: User testing

    Hi Rebecca, you can find part three of the series here

    This is a reply.
  3. eLife enhances open annotation with Hypothesis to promote scientific discussion online
    The platform’s new feature set includes an extensively reworked user interface that simplifies the annotation and discussion experience for our users

    We wanted to make sure that the annotation tool (the side pane you're likely reading this on) not only fit well alongside eLife's specific brand of minimalist interface design, but that it could be sufficiently configurable to fit within most publishers' sites as well.

    Much of the User Experience focus was on streamlining Hypothesis' original design to provide a simpler, more direct path to annotation for users unfamiliar with the Hypothesis tools or web annotation in general. The result contains fewer buttons, fewer controls, and a clearer content hierarchy. In addition we created additional integration points in the user journey to, for example, facilitate accessing a user's public annotation history when clicking their name (go ahead, I'll wait).

    Working with Hypothesis on the UI changes was a highly iterative and interactive process that demonstrated what can be achieved when two organisations with diverse approaches to design and functional priorities can come together and learn from each other.

  4. Replication Study: The CD47-signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPa) interaction is a therapeutic target for human solid tumors
    Final tumor weights of immune competent hosts treated with control or CD47 targeted antibodies

    This figure was included in a ReFigure

  5. Replication Study: BET bromodomain inhibition as a therapeutic strategy to target c-Myc
    Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival during the pre-specified study period of 36 days

    This plot was included in a ReFigure

  6. Welcome to eLife 2.0
    Magazine will establish itself as an alternative entry portal to eLife’s content

    At six months since launching the site, unique page views for Features, Insights, Podcasts, Collections and Interviews (all showcased in the Magazine) saw a 19% improvement over the previous site.

    The Magazine page itself is now our 3rd most visited page overall, after our home page and the Neuroscience research category.

    Most surprising of all, in the same time period the content under the Community portal has seen its traffic go up by a staggering 336% - a combination of its new prominence in the navigational hierarchy and a determined push to raise the quality, relevance and frequency of its content.

  7. Designing Progressive Enhancement Into The Academic Manuscript
    Giuliano Maciocci


    I'm Giuliano, the author of this post, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this article, or on Progressive Enhancement in web and interaction design. Feel free to reply here, or annotate the article directly.

  8. Welcome to eLife 2.0
    Giuliano Maciocci


    I'm Giuliano, the author of this post, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this article, or on our redesign of the eLife website. Feel free to reply here, or annotate the article directly.

  9. Welcome to eLife 2.0
    substantial performance gains

    Site load speed has seen a 30% improvement, while our server response time was reduced by 76% on average. This was due in part to the lightweight UI, but also to improvements in our CDN infrastructure.

  10. Welcome to eLife 2.0
    we will soon be releasing all the design patterns

    All of the UI patterns used in the design of the eLife website are now available for reuse here