Browse our annual reports

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  1. The eLife Sciences 2013 Annual Report

    In 2013, eLife made clear its intentions to address some of the critical issues facing science today. The 2013 Annual Report emphasises areas where eLife made significant progress, including challenging the incentive system through the Declaration on Research Assessment and the introduction of eLife Lens, an innovative new article - viewing platform. The Report also points towards how the unique initiative will continue to expand on successes in technology innovation and challenge the status quo.

  2. The eLife Sciences 2012 Annual Report

    The 2012 Annual Report highlights key achievements from the year that saw eLife publish its first research articles. The Report focuses on eLife'€™s commitment to the highest standards in open - access publishing, the innovative editorial process and the eLife media policy, inspired by one of eLife'€™s earliest authors making her manuscript openly available ahead of publication.