Annual reports

Latest annual reports

  1. The eLife Sciences 2023 Annual Report

    eLife has worked to transform research communication since our inception more than 10 years ago. In January 2023, these efforts culminated in the launch of our new publishing model – a major milestone towards our vision for a future where a truly global research community produces open and trusted results for everyone’s benefit. It was a strong start to 2023 for us, as we also announced new Board members to help steer us in this vision. For the rest of the year, we focused our efforts on spreading the word about the new model and encouraging its adoption more widely. We are pleased with the response so far and look forward to seeing what comes next.

  2. The eLife Sciences 2022 Annual Report

    eLife celebrated a momentous year in 2022 as we reached two key milestones in our efforts to transform research communication. In October, we announced our new publishing model that ends the accept/reject decision after peer review and focuses instead on the public review and assessment of preprints. The announcement coincided with our 10-year anniversary that we celebrated by bringing together those who have helped – and continue to help – make eLife what it is today. The celebrations provided a fantastic opportunity for us and the wider eLife community to reflect on our achievements over the past decade and look ahead at what’s to come.

  3. The eLife Sciences 2021 Annual Report

    eLife pressed on with its efforts to improve science publishing, technology and research culture in 2021. Notably, in response to the growing popularity of preprints, we transitioned to a new ‘publish, then review’ model that emphasises preprints and public reviews. Working with like-minded organisations, we opened up opportunities for more early-career researchers to get involved in peer review and increased our technology development efforts to facilitate the publication and review of preprints. We reflect on these and other developments from the year as we continued working to transform research communication for the benefit of all.

  4. The eLife Sciences 2020 Annual Report

    eLife’s aim is to transform research communication through improvements to science publishing, technology and research culture, and we made significant progress in each of these areas in an unexpectedly challenging year. Notably, we announced our transition to a new “publish, then review” model of publishing, began developing technology to allow as many communities as possible to benefit from the model, and appointed a Research Culture Manager to lead our work in that area. Below, we reflect on these and our other efforts to transform research communication and realise our vision for a future in which a diverse, global community of scientists produces results that are trusted and open for the benefit of all.

  5. The eLife Sciences 2019 Annual Report

    One of eLife’s most notable highlights of 2019 was the appointment of our new Editor-in-Chief, Michael Eisen, who has for many years demonstrated commitment to reforming research communication for the benefit of scientists and society. With Eisen at the helm, we announced two new initiatives to enhance the value of peer review for all. We reflect on these and our other efforts to transform research communication through improvements to science publishing, technology and research culture in this report.

  6. The eLife Sciences 2018 Annual Report

    At the core of eLife’s mission is the goal to support a shift in research culture towards greater cooperation and transparency in science. In 2018, eLife took a number of important steps directed towards this goal. This included the launch of the eLife Ambassador programme, the initiation of a trial of a new peer-review process that gives authors greater control over how they respond to comments after peer review, the introduction of new sections in the journal and the continuation of investment in open infrastructure and technology innovation.

  7. The eLife Sciences 2017 Annual Report

    One of the most important highlights for eLife in 2017 was welcoming a fourth funding organisation, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, to our initiative. This and other notable achievements including our work to modernise technology for research communication, improving our policies to advance reproducibility and our efforts to convene and support communities are reflected upon in this report.

  8. The eLife Sciences 2016 Annual Report

    2016 marked an important landmark for eLife with the announcement of renewed support from eLife’s founders. This report looks back at eLife’s achievements throughout 2016, notably in advocating for more open practises in science with collaborations with organisations such as bioRxiv and the integration of ORCIDs and RRIDs into the publishing processes, building an open infrastructure for research communication with the initial launch of eLife Continuum and supporting early-career researchers with initiatives such as the pilot travel grants scheme and recruitment of early-career researchers for our pool of reviewers.

  9. The eLife Sciences 2015 Annual Report

    The centre of the stage at eLife in 2015 was occupied by a new human ancestor 'Homo naledi' discovered by scientists in an extraordinary find in South Africa and published in eLife in two stunning papers in September. That these scientists chose to publish such ground-breaking findings in eLife is testament both to the journal's growing significance, and to the steady cultural shift towards greater transparency and collaboration in science, which lie at the heart of eLife's mission.

  10. The eLife Sciences 2014 Annual Report

    Having published almost 800 research articles by the close of 2014, in this report eLife is showcasing its achievements in attracting growing numbers of submissions, publishing a broad swath of high-quality research swiftly and constructively, supporting transparency and reproducibility, as well as the careers of early-career researchers, and exploring new publication formats.