Image credit: Conor Goulding/Mote Marine Laboratory (CC BY 4.0)
The staghorn coral was once prevalent throughout the Florida Reef Tract. However, the last few decades have seen a substantial reduction in the coral population because of disease outbreaks and increasing ocean temperatures. The staghorn coral shows no evidence of natural recovery, and so has been the focus of restoration efforts throughout much of the Florida region.
Why put the time and effort into growing corals that are unlikely to survive within environmental conditions that continue to deteriorate? One reason is that the genetic make-up – the genotype – of some corals makes them more resilient to certain threats. However, there could be tradeoffs associated with these resilient traits. For example, a coral may be able to tolerate heat, but may easily succumb to disease.
Previous studies have identified some staghorn coral genotypes that are resistant to an infection called white-band disease. The influence of high water temperatures on the ability of the coral to resist this disease was not known. There also remained the possibility that more varieties of coral might show similar disease resistance.
To investigate Muller et al. conducted two experiments exposing staghorn coral genotypes to white-band diseased tissue before and during a coral bleaching event. Approximately 25% of the population of staghorn tested was resistant to white-band disease before the bleaching event. When the corals were exposed to white-band disease during bleaching, twice as much of the coral died.
Two out of the 15, or 13%, of the coral genotypes tested were resistant to the disease even while bleached. Additionally, the level of bleaching within the coral genotypes was not related to how easily they developed white-band disease, suggesting that there are no direct tradeoffs between heat tolerance and disease resistance. These results suggest that there are very hardy corals, created by nature, already in existence. Incorporating these traits thoughtfully into coral restoration plans may increase the likelihood of population-based recovery.
The Florida Reef Tract is estimated to be worth over six billion dollars to the state economy, providing over 70,000 jobs and attracting millions of tourists into Florida each year. However, much of these ecosystem services will be lost if living coral is not restored within the reef tract. The results presented by Muller et al. emphasize the need for maintaining high genetic diversity while increasing resiliency when restoring coral. They also emphasize that disease resistant corals, even when bleached, already exist and may be an integral part of the recovery of Florida’s reef tract.