eLife Science Digests

Cutting jargon and putting research in context, digests showcase some of the latest articles published in eLife.


  1. Aging cells, rising risks

    Age-related changes in breast luminal epithelial cells may drive some breast cancers and offer potential screening and prevention targets.
  2. How a parasite plays matchmaker

    The parasite phytoplasma helps male and female leafhoppers find each other so they can breed and increase the population of insects that spread the parasite to new hosts.
  3. Understanding the role of nicotine in tumor development

    Nicotine can affect pathways involved in regulating growth and differentiation of intestinal stem cells in the gut of mice.
  4. Eating is not enough

    Poison frogs have evolved different pathways to absorb, distribute, metabolize and excrete alkaloids that allow them to use these compounds as poison.
  5. Hear, hear

    A new study uncovers how precisely sound is encoded in the ear.
  6. Delivering a tumor suppressor

    A new nanotechnology that delivers the tumor suppressor PDLIM2 to cancer cells has the potential to become a much-needed therapy for lung cancer.
  7. Recycling DNA

    DNA from organisms that live on plants, which is usually discarded when analysing plant genomes, can be used to gain insights into plant-pathogen interactions.
  8. Starving microbes of iron

    Pyoverdines, iron-trapping molecules found in certain microbes, can help in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can cause incurable infections.