Research Articles

Research Articles published by eLife are full-length studies that present important breakthroughs across the life sciences and biomedicine. There is no maximum length and no limits on the number of display items.

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    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Hsp47 promotes biogenesis of multi-subunit neuroreceptors in the endoplasmic reticulum

    Ya-Juan Wang, Xiao-Jing Di ... Ting-Wei Mu
    Hsp47 positively regulates the functional surface expression of endogenous GABAA receptors and plays a critical and general role in the maturation of Cys-loop neuroreceptors.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Netrin signaling mediates survival of dormant epithelial ovarian cancer cells

    Pirunthan Perampalam, James I MacDonald ... Frederick A Dick
    Extending the period of remission for cancer patients requires new knowledge of dormant, residual disease and Netrin signaling contributes to the survival of dormant cells in ovarian cancer.
    1. Neuroscience

    Non-Hebbian plasticity transforms transient experiences into lasting memories

    Islam Faress, Valentina Khalil ... Sadegh Nabavi
    The process of transformation of a transient experience into a memory is neither restricted to the time of the experience nor to the synapses triggered by it, but it can be influenced by past and future events.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    A synergistic workspace for human consciousness revealed by Integrated Information Decomposition

    Andrea I Luppi, Pedro AM Mediano ... Emmanuel A Stamatakis
    Anaesthesia and disorders of consciousness both reduce the capacity of the human brain to integrate information, specifically targeting interactions within a shared circuit of regions in the brain’s default network.
    1. Neuroscience

    An allocentric human odometer for perceiving distances on the ground plane

    Liu Zhou, Wei Wei ... Zijiang J He
    Fitting our terrestrial niche, the human visual system adopts a ground-based reference frame for spatial computation in concert with the attention, memory, and path-integration processes for space perception during self-motion.
    1. Neuroscience

    Selective consolidation of learning and memory via recall-gated plasticity

    Jack W Lindsey, Ashok Litwin-Kumar
    A theory of memory consolidation illustrates the benefits of communication between short- and long-term memory systems to prioritize the storage of reliable memories.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cortical plasticity is associated with blood–brain barrier modulation

    Evyatar Swissa, Uri Monsonego ... Alon Friedman
    Neuronal activity modulates blood–brain barrier permeability, influencing synaptic plasticity and local network reorganization in the healthy brain.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mapping responses to focal injections of bicuculline in the lateral parafacial region identifies core regions for maximal generation of active expiration

    Annette Pisanski, Mitchell Prostebby ... Silvia Pagliardini
    Multivariate analysis of respiratory cycle shows that GABAergic disinhibition in the rostral regions of the lateral parafacial area is linked to the most significant and enduring changes in active expiration.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Stimulation-induced cytokine polyfunctionality as a dynamic concept

    Kevin Portmann, Aline Linder, Klaus Eyer
    Resolving parallel and concurrent cytokine secretion is essential to studying polyfunctional cytokine-secreting cells, and to differentiating immune response granularity from unwinding the complexity and heterogeneity of cytokine responses.
    1. Neuroscience

    Modulation of alpha oscillations by attention is predicted by hemispheric asymmetry of subcortical regions

    Tara Ghafari, Cecilia Mazzetti ... Ole Jensen
    Lateral asymmetry of the globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, and thalamus can predict attention-related modulations of posterior alpha oscillations when combining structural MRI with MEG.