Neurons carry information in the form of electrical signals, which we can listen to by applying sensors to the scalp: the resulting recordings are called an EEG. Electrical activity within the brain also generates a weak magnetic field above the scalp, which can be measured using a technique known as MEG. Both EEG and MEG only require a few dozen sensors, placed centimeters away from the brain itself, but they can reveal the precise timing and rough location of changes in neural activity.
However, the brain consists of billions of neurons interconnected to form complex circuits, and EEG or MEG cannot reveal changes in activity of these networks in fine detail. In animals, and in patients undergoing brain surgery, scientists can use hair-thin microelectrodes to directly record the activity of individual neurons. Yet, it is difficult to know how activity measured inside the brain relates to that measured outside.
To find out, Sandhaeger et al. had monkeys and healthy human volunteers perform the same task, where they had to watch a series of colored dots moving across a screen. The brain of the human participants was monitored using MEG; in the monkeys, EEG provided an indirect measure of brain activity, while microelectrodes directly revealed the activity of thousands of individual neurons.
All three recordings contained information about movement and color. Moreover, the monkey EEG bridged the gap between direct and indirect recordings. Sandhaeger et al. identified signals in the monkey EEG that corresponded to the microelectrode recordings. They also spotted signals in the human MEG that matched the monkey EEG. Linking non-invasive measures of brain activity with underlying neural circuits could help to better understand the human brain. This approach may also allow clinicians to interpret EEG and MEG recordings in patients with brain disorders more easily.