Muscle loss linked to the evolution of powerful feet

The loss of fine-motor muscles in the long hind feet of jerboas may set the stage for developmental changes that protect them against hard landings.

Egyptian Jerboa. Image credit: Haydee Gutierrez (CC BY 4.0)

Intrinsic muscles are a group of muscles deep inside the hands and feet. They help to control the precise movements required, for example, for a pianist to play their instrument or for certain animals to climb with remarkable agility.

Some animals, such as horses and deer, have evolved in such a way that they no longer grasp objects with hands and feet. Where intrinsic muscles were once present in the hands and feet of their ancestors, these animals now have strong ligaments that prevent over-extension of the wrist and ankle joints during hard landings.

Given their size, it is difficult to study horses and deer in the laboratory and understand how they lost their intrinsic muscles during evolution. Tran et al. therefore focused on a small rodent called the lesser Egyptian jerboa, which also displays long legs with strong ligaments and no intrinsic muscles.

Newborn jerboas have foot muscles that look very much like the intrinsic muscles found in mice, but these muscles disappear within 4 days of birth. A mechanism called programmed cell death is often responsible for specific tissues disappearing during development, but the experiments of Tran et al. revealed that this was not the case in jerboas. Instead, their intrinsic muscles were degraded by processes triggered by genes that disassemble underused muscles. In mice and humans, fasting, nerve injuries, or immobility trigger this type of muscle degradation, but in jerboas these processes appear to be a normal part of development.

This unexpected discovery shows that development and disease-like processes are linked, and that more studies of nontraditional research animals may help scientists better understand these connections.