Cells in the brain need to regulate and transport the proteins and nutrients stored inside them. They do this by sorting and packaging the contents they want to move in compartments called endosomes, which then send these packages to other parts of the cell. If the components involved in endosome trafficking mutate, this can lead to ‘traffic jams’ where proteins pile up inside the cell and stop it from working normally.
In 2011, researchers found that children who had a mutation in the gene for WASHC4 – a protein involved in endosome trafficking – had trouble learning. However, it remained unclear how this mutation affects the role of WASCH4 and impacts the behavior of brain cells.
To answer this question, Courtland, Bradshaw et al. genetically engineered mice to carry an equivalent mutation to the one identified in humans. Experiments showed that the brain cells of the mutant mice had fewer WASHC4 proteins, and lower levels of other proteins involved in endosome trafficking. The mutant mice also had abnormally large endosomes in their brain cells and elevated levels of proteins that break down the cell’s contents, resulting in a build-up of cellular debris. Together, these findings suggest that the mutation causes abnormal trafficking in brain cells.
Next, Courtland, Bradshaw et al. compared the behavior of adult and young mice with and without the mutation. Mice carrying the mutation were found to have learning difficulties and showed abnormal movements which became more exaggerated as they aged, similar to people with Parkinson’s disease. With this result, Courtland, Bradshaw et al. reviewed the medical records of the patients with the mutation and discovered that these children also had problems with their movement.
These findings help explain what is happening inside brain cells when the gene for WASHC4 is mutated, and how disrupting endosome trafficking can lead to behavioral changes. Ultimately, understanding how learning and movement difficulties arise, on a molecular level, could lead to new therapeutic strategies to prevent, manage or treat them in the future.