Hybrid energy

Lactic acid bacteria make use of a hybrid system of fermentation and extracellular respiration to accelerate energy production and growth.

Many fermented foods are made by lactic acid bacteria. Image credit: Zoe Mitchell (CC BY 4.0)

Bacteria produce the energy they need to live through two processes, respiration and fermentation. While respiration is often more energetically efficient, many bacteria rely on fermentation as their sole means of energy production. Respiration normally depends on the presence of small soluble molecules, such as oxygen, that can diffuse inside the cell, but some bacteria can use metals or other insoluble compounds found outside the cell to perform ‘extracellular electron transfer’.

Lactic acid bacteria are a large group of bacteria that have several industrial uses and live in many natural environments. These bacteria survive using fermentation, but they also carry a group of genes needed for extracellular electron transfer. It is unclear whether they use these genes for respiration or if they have a different purpose.

Tejedor-Sanz, Stevens et al. used a lactic acid bacterium called Lactiplantibacillus plantarum to study whether and how this group of bacteria use extracellular electron transfer. Analysis of L. plantarum and its effect on its surroundings showed that these bacteria use a hybrid process to produce energy: the cells use aspects of extracellular respiration to increase the yield and efficiency of fermentation. Combining these two approaches may allow L. plantarum to adapt to different environments and grow faster, allowing it to compete against other species.

Tejedor-Sanz, Stevens et al. provide new information on a widespread group of bacteria that are often used in food production and industry. The next step will be to understand how the hybrid system is controlled and how it varies among species. Understanding this process could result in new biotechnologies and foods that are healthier, produce less waste, or have different tastes and textures.