Media Coverage: December roundup of eLife papers in the news

High-profile news coverage that eLife papers generated in December 2023, including Forbes, The Hindu, and
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In our latest monthly media coverage roundup, we highlight the top mentions that eLife papers generated in December. You can view the coverage, along with the related research articles, below:

Alvarez-Buylla et al.’s Research Article, ‘Binding and sequestration of poison frog alkaloids by a plasma globulin’, was featured in:

  • – Mystery solved: How poison frogs store their toxins without harming themselves
  • SciTechDaily – The Mystery Protein: Safeguarding Poison Dart Frogs From Their Own Toxins
  • Lab Manager – Protein Allows Poison Dart Frogs to Accumulate Toxins Safely
  • PCR News (Russia) – A protein has been found that protects dart frogs from their own poison (translated)
  • National Geographic (Hungary) – This is why poison dart frogs are not poisoned (translated)
  • China Press (Malaysia) – Why aren’t poison dart frogs poisoned by themselves?
  • Quo (Spain) – How do dart frogs store poison in their body without poisoning themselves? (translated)
  • LTN News (Taiwan) – Why poison dart frogs can’t be poisoned by themselves? Scientists solve mystery (translated)

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Protein allows poison dart frogs to accumulate toxins safely’.

Li et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Longer mandible or nose? Co-evolution of feeding organs in early elephantiforms’, was picked up by:

  • Live Science – Scientists may have finally figured out how elephants got their incredible trunks
  • Meteored (Portugal) – Is the evolution of the elephant trunk a sign of climate change? (translated)
  • Xinhua (China) – Chinese scientists reveal evolution of feeding organs in early elephantiforms
  • Techno-Science (France) – Elephants: the mystery of their trunk elucidated (translated)
  • Denik (Czechia) – Scientists have finally revealed how elephants got their trunks (translated)
  • Vokrug Sveta (Russia) – How did elephants get their trunks? (translated)
  • Khabar Online (Iran) – Why is the elephant's trunk shaped like it is? (translated)
  • IDN Times (Indonesia) – Scientists Discover the Origins of Elephant Trunks (translated)
  • Kayip Rihtim (Turkey) – Scientists May Have Figured Out How Elephants Got Their Multifunctional Trunks (translated)

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘How shifting climates may have shaped early elephants’ trunks’.

Pan et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Senescence of endplate osteoclasts induces sensory innervation and spinal pain’, was featured in:

  • Forbes – Relief For Lower Back Pain May Be On The Way For Millions

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Drug that kills off sleeping bone cells could treat lower back pain’.

Rosenberg et al.’s Research Article, ‘Quantitative mapping of human hair greying and reversal in relation to life stress’, was mentioned in:

  • ScienceAlert – Evidence in Humans Shows Stress Really Can Turn Hair Gray. But It Could Be Reversed
  • WIRED (Spain) – Graying hair can be reversed if it is due to stress (translated)

Blin et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Evolution of olfactory sensitivity, preferences and behavioral responses in Mexican cavefish: fish personality matters’, was featured in:

  • BNN Breaking – Fish Evolution: Unique ‘Personalities’ Foster Adaptability in Different Habitats

Melo et al.’s Research Article, ‘Selective transduction and photoinhibition of pre-Bötzinger complex neurons that project to the facial nucleus in rats affects nasofacial activity’, was featured in:

  • The National Tribune – Researchers identify neurons in the brain that control nasofacial muscles during breathing

Protsiv et al.’s Research Article, ‘Decreasing human body temperature in the United States since the Industrial Revolution’, was mentioned in:

  • MSN – No, the average body temperature is not 98.6 degrees

Grathwol et al.’s Research Advance, ‘Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity’, was mentioned in:

  • The Hindu – Mystery origin of Egypt’s mummified baboons finally cracked
  • Gigazine (Japan) – Baboon mummy reveals the location of the ‘mysterious port city’ where the ancient Egyptians traded (translated)
  • Arkeofili (Turkey) – The History of Ancient Egyptian Baboons Is Discovered (translated)

Ann Fox et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘An observational treatment study of metacognition in anxious-depression’, was picked up by:

  • PsyPost – Treatments for anxiety and depression increase confidence, study finds

Ang et al.’s Research Article, ‘Native American genetic ancestry and pigmentation allele contributions to skin color in a Caribbean population’, was featured in:

Levakov, Kaplan et al.’s Research Article, ‘The effect of weight loss following 18 months of lifestyle intervention on brain age assessed with resting-state functional connectivity’, was mentioned in:

Media contacts

  1. Emily Packer

  2. George Litchfield


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