Breakthroughs in aging-related research are revealing details of how cellular processes and tissue functions decline during aging and have pinpointed longevity factors conserved among eukaryotes. In parallel, investigations in model organisms are uncovering potential approaches to extend lifespan in humans. To highlight recent advances in the mechanistic understanding of aging and interventions that extend longevity, eLife is pleased to invite submissions to a Special Issue on this exciting topic.
Areas that will be considered include:
- mitochondrial and other subcellular dysfunction driving aging
- senescence and inflammation
- genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of aging
- systems biology of aging
- proteostasis and neurodegeneration
- premature aging diseases
- lifespan extension regimens (in model organisms and humans)
- environmental impacts on aging
- cell non-autonomous mechanisms of aging
- clinical, translational, and human longitudinal studies of aging

eLife Senior Editor Jess Tyler, Weill Cornell Medicine, and Reviewing Editor Matt Kaeberlein, University of Washington, will oversee the issue, alongside guest editors:
- Weiwei Dang, Baylor College of Medicine
- Yousin Suh, Columbia University
- Dario Riccardo Valenzano, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
- Jing-Dong Jackie Han, Peking University
- Veronica Galvan, UT Health San Antonio
- Pankaj Kapahi, The Buck Institute
- Jan Gruber, Yale-NUS College
- Sara Hägg, Karolinska Institute
At eLife, working scientists handle all editorial decisions. We do not artificially limit the number of articles we publish or have a set acceptance rate. Rather, we rely on the judgment of the working scientists who serve as our editors to select papers for peer review and publication. Following peer review, the editor and referees consult with one another in order to provide clear guidance to authors and limit the round of revisions.
Authors interested in being part of the Special Issue can submit their manuscripts via eLife’s submission system, highlighting in the cover letter that the paper is for consideration in this collection and suggesting guest editors from the list above.
Papers will be published online when they’re ready and will continue to be considered for the Special Issue until August 31, 2020.
Be featured in an online symposium
Authors of papers submitted to this Special Issue and accepted for publication by September 2020 will be invited to present their work in the eLife Aging, Geroscience and Longevity Symposium. This event will take place online in October 2020.
eLife will liaise with the authors directly to determine the best way of capturing their talk for livestreaming during the symposium.
We are open to liaising with institutions interested in organising local events to include the talk of the local author, as well as the screening of the remaining presentations included in the eLife Symposium.
Aging, geroscience and longevity at eLife
This Special Issue builds on research from this field that has been published in eLife, including:
- Protein aggregates are associated with replicative aging without compromising protein quality control
- Targeting senescent cells enhances adipogenesis and metabolic function in old age
- Spatiotemporal regulation of autophagy during Caenorhabditis elegans aging
- Regulation of life span by the gut microbiota in the short-lived African turquoise killifish
- Transient rapamycin treatment can increase lifespan and healthspan in middle-aged mice
We welcome comments/questions from researchers as well as other journals. Please annotate publicly on the article or contact us at hello [at] elifesciences [dot] org.
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