eLife introduces more Advances

eLife authors present significant additions to their original research with a Research advance.

Research doesn’t stop with the publication of a paper; often experimental designs are rapidly refined and new techniques are developed that can inform original conclusions. The eLife Research advance makes it possible for eLife authors to publish significant additions to their published article.

In these short contributions, authors can report new developments and explain the implications they may have on their original research.

The latest Research advance published by eLife is a study by Syenina et al., in which the authors discover that when a person is infected by the dengue virus for a second time antibodies specific to the dengue virus interact with mast cells lining our blood vessels and enhance vascular leakage. The study builds upon earlier research looking into why a small percentage of infected individuals go on to suffer from dengue hemorrhagic fever. They find that the vascular leakage triggered by this hemorrhagic fever is triggered by mast cells indicating a potential new treatment target.

eLife Research advances are available at elifesciences.org/category/research-advance

The Research advance is just one of the ways in which eLife gets important, original research shared as quickly as possible. To find out more read our editorial on “ Advancing research”.