Evolutionary theory is critical for understanding modern human health, from how adaptations to our past lifestyles and pathogens impact risk for current diseases to the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. To highlight recent advances in the growing research area of evolutionary medicine, eLife is pleased to invite submissions to a Special Issue on this topic.
We welcome submissions of influential research on:
- Antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance evolution
- Health-related pleiotropic tradeoffs of past human adaptation
- Health-related consequences of past adaptation mismatches with modern environments
- The evolutionary impacts of medicine
- Related theoretical work
Other areas of evolutionary medicine research not specifically listed will also be considered. Integrative approaches are especially encouraged.

eLife Senior Editors George Perry, Penn State University, and Dominique Soldati-Favre, University of Geneva, will oversee the manuscripts submitted for the Special Issue, alongside:
eLife Reviewing Editors:
- Ben Cooper, Mahidol University
- Vaughn Cooper, University of Pittsburgh
- Sophie Helaine, Imperial College London
- Frank Kirchhoff, Ulm University Medical Center
- Paul Rainey, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Medicine
- Antonis Rokas, Vanderbilt University
And Guest Editors:
- Amy Goldberg, Duke University
- Imroze Khan, Ashoka University
eLife is an interdisciplinary journal where working scientists handle all editorial decisions. We do not artificially limit the number of articles we publish or have a set acceptance rate. Rather, we rely on the judgment of the working scientists who serve as our editors to select papers for peer review and publication. Our goal is to make peer review faster (by reducing rounds of revisions), fairer and more open. You can find out more about the changes we’ve enacted to support the scientific community during the current COVID-19 outbreak, including curtailing requests for additional experiments during revisions, in this editorial.
Submissions of Research Articles, Short Reports, Tools and Resources and Research Advances are welcomed to the Special Issue at this time. A select number of Review Articles will be commissioned by the editors.
Authors interested in being part of the Special Issue can submit their manuscripts via eLife’s submission system, highlighting in the cover letter that the paper is for consideration in this collection and suggesting editors from the list above.
Papers will be published online when they’re ready and will continue to be considered for the Special Issue until January 31, 2021.
Online symposium in 2021
We will invite authors of papers submitted to this Special Issue and accepted for publication to present their work in the eLife Evolutionary Medicine Symposium. This event will take place online and mark the launch of the collection mid-2021.
eLife will liaise with the authors directly to determine the best way of capturing their talk for livestreaming during the symposium.
We are open to liaising with institutions interested in organising local events to include the talk of the local author, as well as the screening of the remaining presentations included in the eLife Symposium.
Evolutionary medicine at eLife
This Special Issue builds on research from this field that has been published in eLife, including:
- Evolutionary pathways to antibiotic resistance are dependent upon environmental structure and bacterial lifestyle
- APOL1 renal risk variants have contrasting resistance and susceptibility associations with African trypanosomiasis
- Ribosomal mutations promote the evolution of antibiotic resistance in a multidrug environment
- Viruses are a dominant driver of protein adaptation in mammals
- Rapid decline of bacterial drug-resistance in an antibiotic-free environment through phenotypic reversion
- A generally conserved response to hypoxia in iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes from humans and chimpanzees
We welcome comments/questions from researchers as well as other journals. Please annotate publicly on the article or contact us at hello [at] elifesciences [dot] org.
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