Event presentation: Breaking free of the platform using eLife Continuum

A presentation on how journals can leverage distributed web technologies to extend their capabilities and improve research communication.

Paul Shannon, Head of Technology at eLife, recently presented at the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) Conference in Boston, USA. The panel session, entitled ‘Breaking Free of the Platform: Journals Leveraging Distributed Web Technologies’, included representatives from CoKo, Hypothes.is, TrendMD and the Centre for Open Science and was widely attended by conference delegates.

Panel talks paid particular attention to composable, reusable and open-source software, built as building blocks to create or augment a larger publishing system. Using Continuum, eLife’s open-source platform of services and applications, as an example, Paul discussed the benefits for publishers of having a flexible platform to work from, and how it has enabled eLife to be ambitious and better meet the needs of our readers with our own site design in the newly launched eLife 2.0.

You can view Paul’s full presentation here.

Interested in discussing Continuum in more detail? Get in touch by contacting innovation@elifesciences.org

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