To minimize volatile interference of neighboring setups, the treatments were placed in groups next to each other (represented by letters) with the distance of at least one cage length in between, which corresponded to 60 – 100 cm. Due to space limitations on two tables the cages of group H were placed slightly closer with an approximate distance of 50 cm. The positions of the treatments were swapped between each cycle so that treatment was conducted at each position once. In the treatments where Desmodium plants were placed outside the cages, the Desmodium plants were normally placed between the cages and in greenhouse 1B additionally on the outside of the outermost cage of a group (as can be seen on the cages of G). However, as all treatments were photographed, in retrospect several misplaced plants were noticed (see cage K2). Therefore, it must be considered that only conclusions about the influence of Desmodium volatiles in proximity versus those in further distance of >0.5 m can be made and any volatiles reaching longer distances might have affected neighboring replications. Greenhouse 1B: Schematic graph of the cage setup in the greenhouse 1B (above) and a photograph taken of the cages H2, J2, J3, K1 & K2 (right). This greenhouse provided space for 15 cages in total, whereby three replicates of each treatment could be repeated per cycle. The plants display the placement of the plants in the replicates of the second cycle from 23. – 26.05.2023. Lightgrey squares = tables, darkgrey squares = cages, yellow circle = maize plants, green circle = Desmodium plants; The red circle indicated the situation where a plant was misplaced and therefore was in the closest distance of the neighboring repetition.