Effects of V1a receptor antagonist (V1aRA) on the number of allopreening behaviours in affiliated and unaffiliated dyads.
In affiliated dyads, allopreening behaviours initiated by both dominant (DOM, left panel) and subordinate (SUB, right panel) crows exhibited a significant decrease in both the high-dose and low-dose V1aRA conditions post-administration, compared to pre-administration. Conversely, in the vehicle condition, no significant difference was observed in allopreening frequency between pre- and post-administration phases. In contrast, within unaffiliated dyads, V1aRA administration exerted no effect on allopreening for either the dominant (DOM, left panel) or subordinate (SUB, right panel) individuals.
The plots illustrate individual data for each trial. The upper, middle, and lower bounds of the boxes represent the 75th, 50th, and 25th percentiles, respectively, with whiskers extending to the maximum and minimum values. Numbers in the brackets below the boxes denote the number of samples (no. of birds × no. of trials). Asterisks denote statistically significant differences (Wald χ2statistics, *** p < 0.001). The colours correspond to the affiliated dyads shown in Figure 3.