Cubic isometric relationship between volume (∼weight) and length growth, and likelihood to detect an existing growth spurt (GS) in linear length (schematic).
(A-E): Top/bottom: Absolute size and growth rate (= 1st derivation of size). From left to right: Increasingly fast acceleration of volume (∼weight) growth and the aligned length growth, from (A) no acceleration (constant volume growth rate and linear increase in volume) through (B) constant acceleration (linear increase in volume growth rate and quadratic increase in volume) to (C) quadratic acceleration of volume growth rate (cubic increase in volume), and (D,E) even faster volume growth acceleration. Due to the cubic relationship, these volume growth rates would align with decreasing (A,B) or constant length growth rates (C), whereas a detectable acceleration in length growth rate may only be found in cases of very fast acceleration in volume growth rate (D,E). Therefore, the current dichotomy between absent and detectable length GSs would only differentiate between (A-C) and (D-E). Another consequence is that, in non-aquatic animals, a cubic relationship is more likely in smaller animals, whereas in larger animals like humans or bonobos, the relationship tends to follow a lower power of 2.5 or even 2 only, as a result from limitation on the bearable weight of a skeletal construction which relates to the sectional area of bones (for more details see e.g., Juul et al., 1995). This means that in case of an equal volume growth acceleration, an aligned acceleration in linear length growth may become more likely detectable in larger animals simply because of the different underlying scaling laws. (F) The above scaling rules lead to further dynamics depending on the temporal overlap of the curves, making length GSs more pronounced and detectable with increasing size (from left to right). A GS in linear length is detectable if the acceleration resulting from the volume-GS exceeds the deceleration in length growth rate that results from the cubic relationship, with the last one becoming weaker with increasing size, respective age. The figure shows how a change from a constant to a linearly accelerating volume growth rate (like in Fig. 1A and B; equal levels of acceleration) results in different levels of acceleration in linear length growth rate depending on the age/size at which this change occurs, from left (change right after birth, only deceleration in length growth rate (equal to Fig. 1B) to right (change at late age, strong acceleration in length growth rate). Additionally, this figure highlights that even if both volume and linear length show a GS and are perfectly aligned, the linear length growth rate reaches its peak and starts declining again at a time when volume growth rate still increases. See also supplemental Fig. S1 for non-linear acceleration in volume growth rate.