Figures and data

Bootstrapped entropy ratio of facial behavior across social contexts for three species of macaques. The entropy ratio was calculated on 100 bootstrapped samples of the data by dividing the observed entropy by the expected entropy if Action Units were used randomly for each social context. The entropy ratio ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating higher uncertainty. Symbols and whiskers indicate mean and range of bootstrapped values.

Bipartite network of single Action Units (orange) and social context (blue) for three species of macaques. Edges are shown for Action Units that occurred in at least 1% of observations per context. Edge thickness and transparency are weighted by specificity, which ranges from 0 (indicating an Action Unit is never observed in a context) to 1 (indicating an Action Unit is only observed in one context). Context abbreviations: agg = aggressive, aff = affiliative, sub = submissive.

Specificity of Action Unit combinations that were used in at least 1% of observations per species per social context. Specificity ranges from 0 (indicating an Action Unit is never observed in a context) to 1 (indicating an Action Unit is only observed in one context). (A) Distribution of Action Unit combination specificity. Width of violin plots indicate the relative density of the data. Colored symbols indicate unique Action Unit combinations. White symbols indicate mean specificity. (B) Proportion of Action Unit combinations used with high (>0.8), moderate (0.4– 0.8) or low (<0.4) specificity. Context abbreviations: agg = aggressive, aff = affiliative, sub = submissive.

Total number of social interactions per species and social context that were MaqFACS coded.