Sequence of perching and hunting strike events throughout a Barn owl foraging trip.
A) GPS tracks during a typical barn owl foraging trip where perching events (squares) and both unsuccessful (circles) and successful (triangles) hunting strikes are shown. Black arrows indicate flight direction. Successful hunting strikes were identified by the presence of self-feeding events or by the direct return to the nest box (using the acceleration data, ground-truthed with the nest box camera footage). B) The heave acceleration and the estimated force during a perching event (highlighted in orange) and a hunting strike (highlighted in purple). C) Variation in peak landing force for perching events (orange dots, n = 56,874) and hunting strikes (dark dots, n = 27,981). White dots show the estimated mean, and data distribution is represented by both violin and box plots. Owl picture at the top left of Panel A is courtesy of J. Bierer, and owl drawings are courtesy of L. Willenegger, all used with permission.