Sexual differences in foraging behaviour, landing force and hunting success.
A) GPS tracks showing the foraging activities of a barn owl breeding pair during one complete night. Movement patterns of both male (yellow lines) and female (blue lines) are shown, with colour scale changing from the first trip of the night (foraging trip 1) to the last one (Male: nmax = 11; Female: nmax = 4). Perching events (squares), unsuccessful (circle) and successful (triangle) hunting attempts are shown for each foraging trip. B) Variation in foraging flight speed for female (blues dots, n = 9,223) and male (orange dots, n= 18,019) barn owls (n. females: 84; n. males: 78). C) Variation in peak landing force during perching events (perching force) for female (blue dots, n= 30,378) and male (yellow dots, n = 26,496) barn owls. D) Variation in hunting success when barn owls hunted on the wing or used the sit-and-wait strategy for female (blue dots, non-the-wing = 8,136, nsit-and-wait = 1,981) and male (yellow dots, non-the-wing = 16,328, nsit-and-wait = 1,532) barn owls. For visualization purposes, each dot shows the average hunting success of each individual for both hunting strategies. Panels B to C) White dots and bars show the mean and the 95% CI around the mean respectively, and data distribution is represented by both violin and boxplots. Owl drawings are courtesy of L. Willenegger, all used with permission.