Relationship between societal and scientific interest across the eukaryotic Tree of Life.
A) Relationship between number of views in Wikipedia (popular interest) and number of papers in the Web of Science (scientific interest) for each species. Both axes are log-scaled to ease visualization. Density functions are provided for both scientific (above scatter plot) and societal interests (right of scatter plot) to illustrate the distribution of values. Color coding refers to the three realms of Animalia, Fungi and Plantae. The regression line is obtained by fitting a Gaussian generalized additive model through the data (F1,3017 = 2497.5; p< 0.001). The farther away a dot is from the fitted line, the more the attention is unbalanced towards either scientific (negative residuals) or societal interest (positive residuals). B) Distribution of negative and positive residuals (from the regression line in A) across the species sampled for each Phylum/Division. Phyla/Divisions with only one sampled species are represented with dots.