Reproductive outcomes of Culex quinquefasciatus indicating average fecundity fertility and hatchability for both gonotrophic, accompanied with its respective standard deviation.

Analysis of deviance table for the generalized linear mixed model examining the effects of blood source, seasonality, gonotrophic cycle, and their interactions on the fecundity (eggs/raft) of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes across 3 replicates. A random intercept for treatment was included to account for variability among the 24 treatments (variance = 0.006169). Abbreviations: LRT X2 = likelihood-ratio test; df = degrees of freedom.

Analysis of deviance table for the generalized linear mixed model examining the effects of blood source, seasonality, gonotrophic cycle, and their interactions on the fertility (larvae/raft) of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes across 3 replicates. A random intercept for treatment was included to account for variability among the 24 treatments (variance = 0.007226). Abbreviations: LRT X2 = likelihood-ratio test; df = degrees of freedom.

Interaction plot showing the effect of blood meal source (chicken or mouse) and seasonality (autumn or summer) on fecundity (eggs/raft). Points represent the predicted marginal mean values and the bars corresponding to their confidence intervals. Means sharing the same letters are not statistically different (p > 0.05).

Interaction plots showing the effect of blood meal source (chicken and mouse) and seasonality (autumn and summer) (A) or blood meal source and gonotrophic cycle (first or second) (B) on fertility (eggs/raft) of Culex quinquefasciatus. Points represent the predicted marginal mean values and the bars corresponding to their confidence intervals. Means sharing the same letters are not statistically different (p > 0.05).

Dotplots showing the variation of predicted fecundity (eggs/raft) and fertility (larvae/raft) means along the 24 treatments, combination of blood source (chicken or mouse), seasonality (autumn or summer), gonotrophic cycle (first or second) and replicate (1 to 3).

Boxplots showing the mean hatchability for the 24 treatments, combining replicate (1-3), blood meal source (chicken and mouse), seasonality (summer and autumn) and gonotrophic cycle (first and second), of Culex quinquefasciatus.

Analysis of deviance table for the generalized linear model examining the effects of blood source, seasonality, gonotrophic cycle, replicate and their interactions on the hatchability (larvae/eggs) of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. Abbreviations: LRT X2 = likelihood-ratio test; df = degrees of freedom.